Our ship landed on the landing pad and I made sure to lock the cockpit of my ship before joining the other two at the exit ramp.
The two girls were already suited up and waiting for me as the ramp was lowered, both of them letting me step out through the door before following behind.
I expected the hangar to look like all the other hangars that I've been to so far, but I'm surprised to see that there were tracks on the ceiling and also conveyor belts running along the floor with guard rails set up to prevent people walking onto them. If you wish to walk across a conveyor belt, you'd need to find an intersection where they would regulate the flow of the conveyor belt to allow you to walk past.
What are these tracks and conveyor belts for you might ask? Why for the energy cells they are manufacturing of course!
There were energy cells of different sizes zipping along the tracks and also being carried along the conveyor belts to reach their destinations.