Flashback 15

Chief sensed something profoundly amiss. A nagging feeling. Something sinister. A sharp pang throbbed in his chest, almost agonizingly so. Amidst the mortal realm's dense forest, a black smudge obscured his vision, an unseen anomaly. Frustration mounted as his sight remained obstructed.

Who is able to obscure itself from the All-Seeing power of his? Who has done the research to be able to hide from his Gaze? A frown flitted onto his handsome brow; confusion spreading across his features. Then, a familiar aura of magic approached, gradually easing his concern.

It was his daughter's magic. Light, soft and shines a soft golden hue. Pretty, innocent and filled with joy; just like his daughter.

He can recognise it anywhere. 

Something terrible must have happened to her or she would not have sent her magic this way. It must be related to the obstructed view in the mortal realm. He hopes he wasn't right, but his instincts are never wrong.
