Chapter 29

We were hiding in the East corner of the mortal realm, huddled inside a small cave on the underbelly of a mountain. The forest is thick with tall, corniferous trees that seemed to shield them from being found and I feel a little less afraid, a little less exposed the further they climbed up the mountain.

As we ascend the mountain, our hands clasped, we engage in a ritual of incantations and invocations, seeking the favor and protection of the ancient spirits that dwell within its rugged terrain. While Aidan diligently attends to the task of erecting protective barriers and wards to shield us from external threats, I immerse myself in weaving a mind-blocking spell, channeling my energy into fortifying the mental fortress against the relentless intrusion of my mother's presence.

Every whispered syllable, every flicker of intention, is infused with the urgency of our mission.