Meeting Class B and doing business (3)

After teleporting Chie and himself to the dome, Yuta was about to leave to change his clothes for the Magic Practice. However, Chie still held his arm and prevented him from going. 

"We still have about 10 minutes left Yuta~" Chie said in an erotic manner. 


"Oh come on, you know what I mean." She answered a little bit angrily.

"I do understand what you mean Chie, however right now isn't a good time. Anyone can enter the dome at any moment from now on." Yuta answered back in a calm manner.

Chie pouted slightly. 

"Ok then kiss me." She said with a smirk. 

'What a needy woman!' Yuta thought to himself. 

He pulled her closer to him and kissed her on lips. 

"Happy now?"

"Yes." She said happily. 

"Ok now I am going see you later. Bye."

"Bye!" Chie waved back at him.

Yuta started running towards the dressing room. After a while of searching, he finally found it. 

'Let me this the man dressing room?' He thought while verifying the logo on the door. After getting his confirmation, he opened the door only to be surprise to see that the room was already filled with the boys of his class.

"Oh hey, kamado-kun, you are finally here." Hirata said in a warmful way. 

"Yeah...what are you all doing here...this early, isn't class in like 10 minutes?" Yuta said in a confused manner. 

"You see sensei allowed us to leave early." Hirata answered back. 

"Oh uhhh...that's nice to know I guess."

"So, Kamado-kun...sorry if you this may seems to be personal, but where you in trouble this morning? Sensei told us that you won't be coming to class today since you were with Class B teacher." 

'If what I went through earlier is considered as trouble then I hope I am in trouble every day.' Yuta thought to himself while having a dead look on his face. 

"Well you see Chie only needed my help-" 

"DID YOU JUST CALL THE CLASS B TEACHER BY HER FIRST NAME!!!!" Ike and Yamauchi screamed in unison when they heard Yuta calling the class B teacher by her first name. 

"Yeah why?" 

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY WHY!!!" They screamed again.


"I mean she gave me the right to call her by her first name." 

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT? TEACH ME THIS SKILL PLEASE!!!" Ike said while begging. 

"No Kanji, Kamado is an ikemen, of course girls are gonna like man like him." Yamauchi said in angry tone while holding Ike.

'Ikemen? What is an Ikemen?' Yuta thought to himself. 

"No it's different Haruki, he has been able to make a milf accept a first name based relationship. That's more than enough to betray our rule of never accepting ikemen."

"You maybe right Kanji...maybe if he teach us his skill we may be able to call Kushida-chan and Sakura-chan by their first name" 

"Sudo what do you think?"

"What do you mean?" The red haired screamed across the room. 

"Do we take Kamado teaching?"

"Uhm...yeah why not?" Sudo responded. Most of the boys in room became engrossed in the conversation as it was the first time they heard a student called a female teacher by her first name and that's also happened on the second of school.


A weird confusion formed on Yuta face.

"So what do you want to know?" Yuta asked while he started undressing himself near his locker. 

"How were you able to make it happen?"

Yuta put his uniform in the locker and started putting on his gym uniform. 

"Dude you are extremely ripped. WTF!!!" Sudo exclaimed in a shock manner. 

"You work out or something?" "Hey give us some tips dude." "What's your training routine?" These were the only noise Yuta heard after Sudo made the remark about his body.

"HEY ANSWER OUR QUESTION FIRST!!!" Yamauchi screamed out.

Hirata seeing the situation tried to calm everyone down. 

"Everyone calm down, give Kamado-kun some time to process what's happening."

Hearing Hirata, they calmed down a bit. 

"Ok for the first question, She just told me I could call her by her first name and for the second question, I work out a lot and have good genes" Yuta stated to everyone in the room. 

Ike and Yamauchi kept asking question however they got no answer. Finally done putting his gym clothes, Yuta left the room for the arena. Soonly after, little by little all the student of Class D was finally present in the arena. 

It didn't take long for Class B students to get in the arena. 

1st person POV

So these are the students of class B huh? They look...normal I guess. I don't know why I expected them to look a bit strong. Most of them looked weak. Maybe it just from the appearance.


"Everybody may I have your attention now?" A feminine voice came from the front stand of the dome. It was Chabashira Sae.

She was wearing the same gym uniform as us. However, the only thing that was coming to my mind right now was how tight her clothes look on her. It looks uncomfortable as hell. 

'You have Chie, Yuta. Sae will come later.'

"SAEEE-CHAAANNNN!!!!!" It was Chie. She was hugging Sae and cuddling her.


"Oh come on Sae-chan, can't I be happy to meet my good friend?"

"We are at work right now Chie!!"

"Uhm…you are so grumpy."

Chabashira fixed her clothes and started talking to us.

"Anyways students, as I was saying, today is the practical exam."

"Exam?" "Didn't they say it was a practice?" "WTF!!! I didn't practice at all." A few murmurs could be heard throughout the dome.

"Calm down now. As all of you probably realize, on your jacket, there is a number written on it. Find the other 3 people with the same number as you. 1 should be in your class and the other class should be in the opposing class. After you are done gathering your team, choose a leader, then he or she will come and take one of the scroll here."

"Your job will be to decipher the scroll so that you can proceed to the other test. Also the team you are forming right now will be your team for the next 3 years, so get use to each other. Finally you will be given only 45 minutes to complete this exam the moment your team opens the scroll." And with that she ended her conversation.

A manhunt began in the arena. Everybody was looking for their teammates.

"Also I forgot to say, the team with the lowest point will be expel. So good luck to everyone."

Everybody in the room were surprised by what she said. However all of them kept quiet as they didn't want to waste any time.

~10 minutes later~

At last, I finally was able to find my whole team. It comprised of Karuizawa Kei, the gyaru girl of my class, Ichinose Honami, the woman with probably the biggest tits in the whole of the first years and the prettiest woman I have seen in this world so far and also Akimura Mako. 

Ichinose went to drink some water, so me, Akimura and Karuizawa started talking among ourselves.

"So who is gonna be our leader?"

"I don't know to be honest."

"I think Ichinose-san should be our leader."

"Wow-wow-wow, hold on a little bit why should Ichinose-san be our leader. Why not Kamado-kun? He got the highest mark in our class." Karuizawa asked in a slightly confused manner.

"Sorry to say this to you guys but I mean we don't know you guys this well…so I would prefer to follow Ichinose leadership since it's gonna be like that for 3 years,"

'You just met Ichinose like 1 day ago. How can you trust her skill?'

"You just met Ichinose-san like yesterday. How can you trust her this much? And also the same could be said for us, we don't know you guys this much." Karuizawa responded to her. At least me and her are sharing the same perspective. 

"She is already the leader of Class B. What about you Kamado-kun are you the leader of your class?"

'No but I did fuck your teacher on the second day of school so what does that make me in a way.' I thought to myself.

"No Akimura, I am not the leader of my class. Why are you asking?"

"So this settles it Ichinose-san is our leader. Let her come back and we will tell to it."

Ichinose was finally came back after she went to drink some water.

"Some did you guys finally choose the leader of our team."

"Yes, it's going be-" However before Akimura finished her sentenced, Karuizawa interrupted her and said my name.

"Kamado-kun is gonna be our leader, I hope you don't mind it."

"No I am actually quite glad, being the leader is quite troublesome you know."


"Akimura-san you see even Ichinose-san is fine with Kamado-kun being the leader of the team." 

"Kamado-kun please go take the scroll please."

This situation already made got me confused. As I was about to argue with what just happened, Karuizawa pulled my jacket sleeve slightly and looked at me with a look that said 'Just play along'.

"Uh…sure I guess."

I walked to where Chie and Sae were sitting.

"Can I get one of the scroll?"

"Sure." Sae gave me one of scroll which I immediately open.

"Its blank??"

"Yeah this is the first part, decipher the code written in it and come back to tell it to me."

I looked at Chie and signalled her to meet me. 

"Sensei, can I get some water?"

"Don't you have a bottle of water?" Chabashira asked me while looking at me slightly confused. 

"It's already over."

"I see, Chie can you give him a bottle of water?"

"Sure, follow me Yuta-kun." Chie responded with a smile.

We went to behind the stand. 

"So, Yuta what did you want to ask?"

"Ok, this exam doesn't match anything you said earlier."

"No it does."


"Well, you see after you decipher the scroll, there is a parkour exercise with lasers and all, after that there is the fight with robots, then there is an exercise where you have to destroy a door of about 50m by using magic or physical strength, then to finish it all, there is a fight between all four students in the team. After that we will send the student and team with the most points earned to everyone via their phone." 

"But you don't have to worry about clearing all exercise as even clearing the first one will guarantee you the first place as first year students can't decipher the scroll as they haven't been trained for this."

"Ok then what about the fight with the upperclassmen or the expulsion?"

"Oh this! This will happen during the school festival and the expulsion part is fake."

"Why didn't you tell me all of this at once?"

"You said you were in a hurry."

*sigh* Can't argue with that.

"Aight, see you later then."

I left her to join up with my team. 

"Here is the scroll." I said while showing it to them.

"Ok so let's first discuss what we are good at before we open this scroll." Ichinose said with a cheerful look. 

"I will start first, I am good at sensory. What about you Akimura-san?"

"Oh..uh...I am quite good at summoning and water element." 

"Ok and what about you Karuizawa-san." 

"uh..let me think....I am good at healing thing."

"That's great and what about you Kamado-kun?"

"I am good at everything."

All three of them look at probably thinking I am a narcissist or something, but I am not lying to them. 

" thats we know each other capabilities, we can strategize better."

"So do I open the scroll now?" I said with a bored tone. I was the leader of the group and she was talking about strategies as if she was leader.

"Sure Kamado-kun."

I opened the scroll causing them to be surprised when they saw the blank scroll. 

"Its empty? Kamado-kun did you pick the right one?" Karuizawa asked me.

"Yeah I did, even I was surprised when I opened it there." 

"Wait you opened the scroll before showing to us?" Akimura asked me


"Ahh..that's why Ichinose-san should have been the leader, you do realize that the exam starts immediately when you open the scroll and you already wasted 5 minutes." Akimura responded in an angry tone.

"Calm down sweetheart, we have 40 minutes left."

"Sweetheart? You know what I am not going to argue with you. It's pointless." 

"Calm down guys, mistake happens. I am sure Kamado-kun didn't mean it." Ichinose added to the conversation. 

"Yeah, it was an accident, I kinda forgot about this rule. But you don't have to worry."

"And why is that Kamado-kun?" Karuizawa asked. 

"I am already the strongest in this entire school. So it shouldn't be a major problem clearing such a thing." 

All three of them just sighed and ignored me. 

"So what do we do Ichinose-san." Akimura asked Ichinose.

"I don't know to be honest, it is just a blank scroll and nothing more." Ichinose said while looking a bit disappointed in herself.

All 3 of them gathered around and started discussing about the scroll while I sat in the corner. After 10 minutes, all 3 of them looked discouraged and gave up. I got up and walked to them. 

"Ichinose give me the scroll." 

"Uhm...sure we can't do anything with this." She gave the scroll to me. 

I started applying a little of mana on the paper. Even tho it seems simple, it was actually a hard exercise as you had to have a calm mind and near-perfect mana control to do it. 

It didn't take long for the lettering to appear on it. 

"You actually did it Kamado-kun." Ichinose said in a joyful and shocked expression. Karuizawa and Akimura were also surprised but they didn't say anything. 

"I will go tell sensei the code." I ran to the sensei and told her the code. For the first time excluding her earlier interactions with Chie, Chabashira had shown genuine emotions on her face and it was the emotion of surprise.

"Wha..How did you do it? This shouldn't be possible?" She said while examining me. 

"Can you tell me what is the second test now? You are wasting my time."

"Uh..yeah take this and go to the underground floor no.2." She answered back and gave me a bracelet.


I went back to my team. 

"Lets go now, the second test is on the underground floor no.2" 

"Aye aye captain." Karuizawa responded causing all of us to stare at her. 

"What he is finally acting like a team leader." 

"Whatever lets just go now." 

The only reason I am trying so hard right now is too impressed Chabashira and nothing else and also impressed my team. 

We finally made it to the second test, I used the bracelet to open the door. 

"It's a parkour?" 


"So if we touch the touch the laser we have to restart it entirely."

"Yeah it seems to be like this."

"This is impossible. This room is about 100m and look at how the lasers are placed." Karuizawa sighed.

"I mean Karuizawa san is right. The way the lasers are placed we have to be extremely agile and can control our body extremely well."

I thought for a few seconds about what she said and finally got the winning answer. 

"Akimura you can do summoning right?"

"Uh yeah why are you asking?"

"What can you summon?"

"Small animal mostly, why?"

"Summon any animal."



"Alright...." She started performing the hand sign required for the summoning. 

"Kamado-kun what yours idea?"

"I just need to verify something." 

*Puff* Akimura summoned a small puppy as the summoning. 

"Is this alright Kamado-kun?"

"Yeah make the dog go to the otherside of the room." 

She looked at me slightly confused but still decided to listen to my order. The dog ran across the laser but none of the lasers got triggered. 

"I see..."

"What do you see?"

"Our gym clothes have special sensors that allow the lasers to identify when we go through it. Since the dog doesn't this sensors on it. It didn't feel anything." 

"You are right, so what's the plan Kamado-kun?"

I started unzipping my jacket causing them to be slightly shocked. 

"Uh...Kamado-kun what are you doing?" Akimura asked

"Take off your clothes."

"WHAT!!!" All 3 of them screamed in unison.

"Why should we take off our clothes?"

"So that's the lasers don't detect us?"

"Yeah, but I still won't do it." Karuizawa answered back.

I understand why they are saying this but right now I don't even care about their bodies. 

They kept arguing with me but I didn't care. I decided to put my hand on one of the lasers and to my surprise it did get trigger. 

'I understand now, this actually get trigger by high level of mana, since the dog is a low level summoning, it didn't have this much mana so the laser didn't trigger .'

"See Kamado-kun our clothes don't have sensors on it, so it's pointless for us to remove our clothes" Ichinose answered back while slightly blushing. 

"Actually no"


"Remove your clothes."

"JUST SAY YOU WANT TO SEE US HALF NAKED PERVERT!!!" Akimura screamed back at me. 

"Listen do you not go to the beach?"


"Then think of it as the same."

"NO IT'S NOT THE SAME" This time it was Karuizawa who screamed at me. 

"And how it's not the same."

"We- we aren't-wearing any underwear." Ichinose murmured quietly.

"Sorry I didn't hear properly."

The blush on her face got a lot deeper. 

"We aren't wearing any underwear right now." She said in a shy tone. 

"What and why?"

"Well you see the clothes were too tight on us and most of the girls, so most of them aren't wearing anything below the gym uniform to free them a bit more."

"Ok I understand but right now it is really important or else we will be expelled."

They all stayed quiet and told me to wait. They decided to look for an alternative solution but failed every single time. And at the end they came back to me. 

"So did you guys found another solution?" I asked them. 

"No..Kamado-kun...we agree to follow your plan." Ichinose said while her face was completely red.


"YOU AREN'T ALLOW TO LOOK AT US." Akimura screamed at me while looking like a tomato.

"Yeah no worries."

"Uh..kamado-kun do you have a handkerchief?" Karuizawa asked me also blushing a lot.

"Yeah sure." I gave her my handkerchief still wondering why she needs it. 

"Akimura bring your dog back, we will need it." 


I started removing my T-shirts exposing my upper-half of my body completely for their pleasure. The blush on their deepened even more than it was,

"Oh wow, kamado-kun, your body is so..." 

"Did you guys say something?"

"Uh no..."

I then removed my pants. 

"See, I am not embarrassed at all, now you guys do the same."

"Easy to say when you are wearing something else.."

"Oh Akimura-san if you want to see me completely naked, you just have to ask for it. I don't mind it really." I said. 

"What-uhmm-I..uhmm...JUST SHUT UP OK? It already hard doing this." 

Slowly but surely, all of them got naked. I stared back at them just for my eyes to achieve heaven. 

"You know, you all look extremely sexy." I decided to tease them.

"Stop staring pervert." Akimura said in shy tone. 

I gave the dog all our clothes. It ran again across the entire room again this time however it had all our clothes. 

"You three I need you guys now."

They didn't say anything however. 

I walked up to them and picked both Karuizawa and Amikura under my arm. 

"Hey put us down"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!!!" I screamed towards them.

They were slightly surprised by this and stayed quiet. 

"Ichinose get on my back"




She climbed me from behind. She then pushed her chest on my back and wrapped her legs around me. 

'Fuck I can feel her nipples on me. I starting to get aroused.'

I started concentrating and teleported us to our pile of clothes.

I put Karuizawa and Akimura down. Ichinose then got off me and rushed towards her clothes and started putting it on. Once we were all fully clothed, I started opening the door however someone caught my hand. It was Ichinose.

"Uhm...Kamado-kun can you keep what happened today as a secret between us."

"Yes don't worry."

"No you have to promise us. Our reputation is on the line, if it wasn't for us getting expel we wouldn't have done that."

"I understand, this thing will stay just between our team, you guys have my words." I said while directing my speech to all 3 ot them. 

"Also you can teleport?" Karuizawa asked me.

"That's a story for another day, let's talk about this later on."

We entered only to be surprise to see a button in the middle of the room.

"Should we pressed the button?" 

"I think so."

"The maximum number we can choose in the control pad is 20."

"I guess we need to destroy 20 robots to progress to the next room."

"Ok I got a plan."

"Akimura you said you were good at water style right?"


"Fill the room with water."

"The maximum depth of the water I can do is one centimetre." She said with an awkward smile. 

"Yeah it should be enough." 

I used earth magic to raise the soil around us four by around 3-4 cm while Akimura filled the room with water. 

"Ichinose, pick the maximum number of robots you can handle," I ordered, my voice sharp with focus. "Karuizawa, tend to Akimura. She's exhausted—she needs a moment to recover."

Without hesitation, they nodded and moved into action. Ichinose stepped forward, scanning the room as Karuizawa crouched beside Akimura, her hands already working to ease her discomfort.

The ground rumbled as twenty human-sized robots sprang to life, their glowing eyes locking onto us. Their mechanical joints hissed and clicked as they stood, an ominous chorus of impending danger.

I took a steady breath and began weaving intricate hand signs, channeling energy into my fingertips. Sparks crackled around me, the air itself trembling under the pressure of my power. In moments, a swirling sphere of lightning formed in my palm, pulsating with raw energy.

"Clear the path," I commanded, my voice cutting through the tension.

With a sharp thrust, I hurled the lightning ball into the shallow pool of water beneath the robots. The instant it hit, the room exploded with blinding light and the deafening crackle of electricity. The water lit up, turning into a deadly conductor. Sparks danced across the robots' metal frames as they jerked violently, their systems overloading.

One by one, they collapsed, lifeless and smoking, their red eyes dimming as they crashed back to the ground. A loud click echoed through the chamber, and the door behind us slid open with a mechanical hiss.

"It's done," I said, the residual sparks still flickering around my fingertips.

"Let's move."

"It's a giant door," Karuizawa muttered, her voice tinged with irritation as she crossed her arms. The towering structure loomed before us, its metallic surface gleaming under the dim, flickering lights of the chamber.

"Kamado-kun, do you have a pl—"


Before Ichinose could even finish her sentence, the sound of metal groaning echoed through the room. I had already surged forward, my fist connecting with the door in a devastating strike. The impact sent a shockwave through the chamber, the door crumpling inward as if it were nothing more than flimsy cardboard. It bent under the force before finally crashing down with an ear-splitting clang.

A stunned silence filled the room, the vibrations from the blow still humming in the air.

"YOU COULD HAVE AT LEAST WARNED US BEFORE DOING SUCH A THING!" Ichinose's voice broke through, her usual composure cracking as she threw her arms up in frustration.

I dusted off my hand, barely sparing them a glance. "Calm down. The door's open, isn't it?"

"That's not the point!" Ichinose snapped, but I was already walking past the warped remains of the door.

Inside the room, a faint glow caught my attention. A sleek, scroll rested on a pedestal at the center of the small chamber. It looked oddly out of place amidst the cold, industrial surroundings, as if deliberately waiting for us.

"There's a tablet," I said, gesturing toward it. "Take it and read."

Karuizawa picked up the scroll and started reading it. 

"So what does it say Karuizawa-san?"

"So...uh...yeah it is basically saying to picked up the tablet and give to Chabashira-sensei for the final test."

I sighed inwardly. All this just for a scroll. 

All of us started walking back to the upper floor. 

"Hey Karuizawa, where is my handkerchief?"

"Oh uh...I dropped in the laser room."


"I was using it to cover my breast. I will buy you another one." She said while blushing. I am pretty sure I saw a scar near her chest area but I might be wrong. 

"Yeah fine by me." I sighed inwardly. 

We finally reached the stand. Karuizawa gave Chabashira the scroll. Chabashira was surprised seeing us complete the rest of the exam while we were surprise to see to see that no-one expect us completed the first part. 

"Well congratulation to you all on being the first team to finish the exam. For your final test it's a fight between all 4 of you. You can surrender if you want then the last person wins." 

"I give up." Karuizawa said the moment Chabashira finished her sentence. 


"Yeah same." 

"So Kamado-kun you are the winner of the exam. Congratulation to you. Since you are already over, you guys can leave the dome, there won't be any class today." Chabashira said as she left us to go meet Chie. 

"So do guys want to eat something? It's complete on me." 

"Sure. This way we can bond together." 

"Yes Ichinose-san is right, we can use this free time to bond together."

"If you guys are going, then I am also going." Karuizawa added.

We left the dome to go for the cafeteria. 

"Why did you guys give up earlier?"


"When Chabashira asked us to fight among ourselves, you guys just gave up."

"There is no way we can beat you. It would have been pointless." 

"Oh well, today is my lucky day today."

"And why is that?"

"I got to see 3 beautiful woman naked. What can make this day better?"

All 3 of them didn't respond. They just blushed and acted as if nothing happened. I am mostly sure they aren't saying anything due to the fact they are scared of me after they saw me destroying a 50m door made out Lonsdaleite with 1 punch.

I ended up spending the entire day with those 3. It was fun to be honest. 


I sat down my bed and looked at my clock. 

'8.30 pm' 


I got up and opened up the door only to be surprised to see Karuizawa.

"Oh hey Karuizawa, what are you doing here at this time? You need something?"

"Oh I wanted to talk to you."

"Come in then" 

"Do you want to drink something?"

"No thanks."

"So what you wanted to talk about?" 

'I still have to ask her about why she made me the leader of the team'

"Do you have a girlfriend?"
