23. He is here!

I was still flabbergasted by the sudden appearance of this man in front of me, 'was I hallucinating? 'Is he really here? is he holding my face right now? judging by the warmth of his lips pressed against mine and the familiar taste of his lower lip, he is here.'. My head was spinning and my heart was beating irregularly, I could not wrap my head around what was happening, I had so many questions, 'I need to calm down', I thought, right at that moment I felt Walter's lips parting from mine, and I opened my eyes to his sparkling brown eyes looking at me, and he said,"You taste like wine...". 

'OMG!!, he is really here! Walter is here!', that realization came with incredible excitement, all the doubts and my shock suddenly converted to a burning desire. The man I had been longing and craving for for the past two weeks was suddenly in front of me, I was not going to let him get away, I was going to seize this opportunity to satisfy all my cravings and every desire I had. 

Instead of responding, I pulled him in using his tie for a second round of lip play. Judging by the suit, it was evident that he came straight from a work-environment to see me, the thought of that made me even more sexually excited, I had never been that sexually aroused before. I deeply sucked on Walter's lower lip, and he moved his hands from my face to my waist to pull me closer to him with our lips still locked and his tongue gently patting against mine. I let go of his tie and threw my hands around his neck to replace the neck pillow that was hugging him, our bodies were so close to each other that I could feel his stiff manhood poking at me through his pants and it was getting more stiff. 

He fiercely started to push me inside the apartment while I was pulling him in creating a uniform movement with both of us heading in the same direction, when we were fully inside, Walter closed the door with a small kick behind him. With the same intensity and energy, we pushed towards the couch. He then gently laid me down on my back to forcefully remove his tie and unbutton his shirt with one hand while leaning in for more of my lips, his other hand carefully started to move lower into my body. It was at this critical, peak, important moment when it suddenly hit me, I was not in my best undies, it probably didn't matter because the underwear would be on the floor anyway, but I could not let him see my ugly granny panties, I had to stop him, I moaned out 'wait' and he then transitioned his wet lips from my lips to my neck and collarbone; 

"What, how can I stop when your body is telling me to continue?", he said while slowly, seductively moving his lips from my neck to my collarbone, then onto my cleavage

"I need to pee, just 5 minutes, I promise", I was not about to tell this man that I wanted to go change my panties, besides, I did want to pee, so I did not completely lie.

He hesitantly got off me, and said, "Hurry up...or else I will come to get you myself, or we can just do it in there", he sat up straight to unbutton the rest of his shirt.

 I rushed to the bathroom, and while I was excitedly putting on my sexy red lace underwear, I suddenly saw the mess my bathroom and bedroom were in, my clothes covered the whole bedroom floor, my lotions were not in their rightful place and the towels were crookedly hanging in the bathroom. Fortunately for me, the only way to my bathroom was through the bedroom room giving me a chance to quickly clear everything up and fix the towels in the bathroom.

When I went back to the sitting area, the hot and steamy mood that once filled the atmosphere had dissipated, and Walter was now invested in his phone, with whatever was remaining of my wine in his other hand. He heard me walk in and hurriedly put the phone away, "So this is why your lips tasted like wine...", he said while gulping down the whole glass and there was a bit of annoyance hidden behind his voice.

His mood had completely shifted, there was no way that a person could go from burning with desire to burning with anger without a valid reason, 'did it perhaps have anything to do with his phone? why did he put his phone away quickly like that? What happened? Was it me?'