54. Khalinda lied

Walter had a calm demeanor, it was like he was a different person compared to the man I met earlier in the restaurant. His smile was bright and genuine, I had to rub my eyes a couple of times to make sure I was not hallucinating, 'Wasn't he on a date earlier?' I thought in confusion, seeing the puzzled look that covered my face, he gently grabbed both my hands, and softly pinched my cheek, "it is not a dream", he said softly.

I jumped again, now even more startled, "Why are you in my car?!?",

He smiled, and softly ran his finger through my tense face, "Like I said before... because your door was unlocked"

The warmth of his hand made my heart skip, he was really sitting in front of me. Feeling shy and embarrassed, I shook his hand from my face and awkwardly smirked at his response, "So what? You just let yourself into people's cars now??"

He sat up straight, and turned his attention to the view in front of us, "Not people, just yours...and I brought a hamburger, I saw you leave the restaurant without eating".

As much as I appreciated his kindness because I was indeed hungry, thinking about the ordeal from earlier, and what Bonga told me gave me a knot in my stomach. Bonga may have manipulated the situation to his advantage, but it didn't mean that it never happened. The fact was that Walter was indeed on a date in my home town and he admitted it himself, the second painful fact was that he did indeed spend the night with Khalinda, I had the proof. Just thinking about everything drained all the energy I had in me. Now that he was right in front of me, I had so many questions for him that I didn't even know where to start, in the end, I just sighed and asked, "Walter, why are you doing this? We have already decided to move on wit-"

Seeing where my question was headed, Walter instantly turned in my direction with a sudden annoyed expression, "We?? When did 'we' make that decision? Because if I recall correctly, you are the one who disappeared without a note or-"

I sensed that he blamed me for disappearing during our short unpleasant group discussion earlier, although I admit I was wrong for leaving the way I did, he had a role in it, and I figured I should remind him of it, "and you blame me for that?"

Walter softened his voice, and apologetically said, "I was going to explain everything to you. Everything with Khalinda and Rachel, the pos-"

I got even more furious, as far as I know, he walked out to spend a night with Khalinda, and still acted so innocent, although I wanted to ask about her in a different tone, hearing him still maintaining his innocence made me slip in that little information to the conservation, "When? After spending time with your moonlight lover?". The moment those words hit his ears his facial expression darkened in confusion, it was like he was being accused of a crime he didn't commit,

"What are you talking about?" he asked in his confusion.

It didn't make sense to me because there were pictures, I felt like he was playing more games with me

"Really?? Are you asking because you don't know or because you are surprised I know?",

Walter's confusion turned to rage, "Thandie! What are you talking about?"

"Your night of passion with Khalinda..." I iterated while whipping the pictures from my phone, his face told me the pictures were real but what came after that left me even more shocked and impressed with Khalinda. 

Walter reached for his pockets to take out his cigarettes, and sighed, " Let's go outside, I don't want to smoke in here", he said calmly while stepping out of the car

I didn't say anything except look at him in annoyance, we were in the middle of something, and how dare he not ask nicely. Seeing me refusing to move, he turned to say, "I will tell you my side of the story, but I have to be smoking, because is a long story. Bring your food, we will sit on the car bonnet-"

"Which car??? This one?? My mom-", I looked at my mother's cute little bonnet with concern and fear, if my mother knew I was even talking to him, I couldn't even imagine the kind of face she would be wearing, but I know it wouldn't be a pretty one.

Hearing the wariness in my voice, he chuckled softly, "Relax, the car next to yours", he said pointing at a gray Porsche SUV parked right next to mine. I couldn't believe that this whole time, I was parked next to him, but I couldn't have known either way, the cars were different from his usual go-to sports cars. I looked at it in admiration, it definitely looked mature, "my car is out for service, I am using my mother's car just until it gets fixed", Walter said upon seeing my reaction. I began to wonder if he was hearing my thoughts, but then again, this was Walter, and I liked that about him, but at the same time, I was disappointed that he failed to read beyond my anger in Cape Town and left, he did not even send a text for three hours, not even to check if I was still angry. 

I sighed at my thoughts and expectations, "What about your other sports cars?", I asked as we got comfortable on the car bonnet,

"This place is too far for a sports car, I needed something comfortable", he explained as lit his cigarette.

The way we were seated and watching him smoke while appreciating the natural view sure felt nostalgic, but I quickly brushed it off to focus on the issue at hand. I couldn't afford to have my heart swayed, "Why didn't you fly instead of driving?"

"The trip was spontaneous, it was not planned, I was initially going to St. Lucia, but then ended up here. Speaking of which, do you know any nice hotels around here?"

Hearing Walter talk about his trip instantly made me jealous, I couldn't help but conclude that everything was planned with his date in mind, "Why? For You and your date?"

"Yes.", he said as he pulled and puffed his smoke, but his answer left me even more green in envy. While I was grieving our almost romance, he was already planning vacations, but I had to keep it cool and swiftly try to change the subject, "Oh, I don't know any, but Sandra once spoke about Sweet Haven, not far from here apparently. Anyway, you said you wanted to explain, let's talk quickly, I am sure your date is eagerly waiting for you to go back"

"I am not sure, I will ask her later if she missed me.", Walter said in an even calmer demeanor, but his response sure surprised me, I wasn't expecting an answer, let alone that type of an answer, he was being too honest for my dear heart.

"With all due respect, I would rather we talk about what happened and then go our separate ways..", I could feel the anger building up within me, I couldn't tell if he was flaunting his girlfriend to make me feel bad or if he was just being genuine

Walter puffed out another smoke, "Take a bite of that, I had it made specially for you...", he instructed me nonchalantly,

Seeing how he looked like he was avoiding delving into details of what happened, I found myself losing my patience, "Stop stalling..."

"Start eating, then I will talk", he clapped back forcing me to oblige to his request, 

I took a bite, "there-", my lips were instantly shut by the exploding flavors of the beef burger in my mouth, I couldn't tell whether it was because I was famished or it naturally tasted that good. I found myself taking a second bite, and before I knew it, I was left with crumbs

Walter handed me a soda, then calmly declared, "I didn't sleep with Khalinda when I was with you.."