Templar Base

Shortly after Elias threw the device on to the ground, an aircraft like none other Evan had ever seen before in his life appeared above the treeline, before descending in to the clearing almost on on top of the device. It moved at the speed a helicopter might, and descended in somewhat the same way, but possessed none of the rotors that it had. In some way, it seemed to glide through the air like some ethereal entity, moving without the need to exert any force to do so. It was narrow, with the creator sacrificing width in exchange for more length. In contrast to the armour that Elias wore, the craft was dark in colour, and blended in to the environment around it well even in spite of 

No sooner did it touch down on to the ground did a large door on the back side of the vehicle, spilling out a small group of people clothed in identical outfits. At first glance, Evan thought they looked like something that a thief would wear to obscure themselves in the dead of night, and as he looked at them for longer he couldn't find anything to take that image from his mind. Each of them was armed, some with some kind of high tech crossbow filled to the brim with various types of assistance tools, such as a unique looking bow string, if it could even be called string. Others had spears that looked like they were put together by a professional, and each of them shone with a pristine glint that made them seem like they were fresh off of some assembly line.

They spread out in the area surrounding the ramp of the aircraft, before they focused their attention on to Evan. As soon as they saw him, they surrounded him and pointed their weapons at him.

"This the Crimson?" one of them asked, looking towards Elias as he said so.

"I can handle him," Elias responded. "He's on our side."

"You have a Crimson to deal with, this is procedure. There is no option for you to deal with this, they're too dangerous."

"Not this one," Jeremy snapped, stepping forward and trying to make himself as imposing as he could in the eyes of the new arrivals.

"Elias," came a voice from inside the aircraft, "Get your kids in order. And get in. We have to deal with the Crimson in a specific way, you know this."

"This one's different. He's still human. He's still who he was before the demon got its claws into him."

"You know what the procedure is. Now get in."

Sensing that he was fighting a losing battle in this argument, Elias chose to concede the point and headed in to the aircraft, closely followed by Hanna and Jeremy. Evan followed behind by a fair distance, corralled into the ship by the long weapons of the new arrivals.

As he entered the aircraft, those who had been behind him moved around him to get deeper in before him. Knowing that there was nothing there behind him, the thought crossed Evan's mind to try and make a break for it, to run away from the threat of the unknown that existed before him. Despite the feeling that he shouldn't, he had felt rather secure when he was with the new people he had just met, considering he was being thrust in to a new world. And that wasn't something that he could say about the new arrivals.

Before he had the chance to turn the thought into action, he heard a loud slam behind him, before bars fell from above just in front of him, with a couple of them almost slamming in to his feet. Thanks to the small traces of dirt that were present on it, Evan could see that there was some kind of glass hidden between the bars. He could see small amounts of conversation taking place beyond him, but he found that he could hear none of it. He tried to read their lips a little, hoping to make sense of what was being said, to no success.

Hearing a small hissing from behind, he snapped his head around to find a small amount of gas coming out of vents installed towards the top of the prison he found himself in. At first the amount was too small to notice, but as the amount increased he began to feel it hitting his skin. It was soothing at first, the cool breeze providing some aid in the airtight room that quickly became uncomfortably warm and clammy, but it quickly made him start to sweat as his body reacted. His vision started to darken, as his senses began to dull and his consciousness began to slip away.

The last thing he saw before everything went black was the conflicting looks that he saw on the faces of his new captors. Some looked at him with scorn, with a pure, primal hatred, while others looked at him with something almost resembling some kind of compassion.