Ch-18:Getting a Master?

As Raon had crafted the formations and tested them to find them working, he now just had to use them in overlay with the natural formation and was about to leave after taking a few missions.

Just when he was about to enter the mission hall, a junior disciple came forward to him and stood in his way.

Raon, perplexed by the sight as this was a first for him, was about to ask the disciple but before he could say anything, an Elder came from inside the Mission Hall.

"Are you Raon Tesra, a core disciple?" asked the Elder while looking at Raon after exchanging a glance with the junior.

"Yes, but I don't think I've broken any rule that an Elder is looking for me?" asked Raon as the junior left after the affirmative response from Raon.

"That's true. The one looking for you is not me but Core Elder Rudd." said the Elder as he enveloped Raon in his energy and flew towards the core region.

While Raon was being brought back, the Elder had already sent the message that he was bringing Raon along so that the other Elders could gather together.

It took just a few minutes to arrive at the meeting place with the Elder's speed and Raon noticed that there were two Elders in the front while the rest were standing behind them.

"I greet the Elders" said the elder who brought him here after landing in front of the two leading Elders as he clasped his hands in greeting.

As the one who brought him moved back, the one on the left side of Raon was scrutinizing him from top to bottom while the one on the right had his eyes closed.

"Are you sure about this Junho?" Asked the Elder who was on the left of Raon after scanning him.

"Rudd, How many times is this now? Just leave it be" answered Junho as he opened his eyes to look at Rudd.

"Phew. Raon, right? Count yourself lucky as Junho has decided that you'll be his disciple" said Rudd with a cold expression.

"Rudd, don't scare the kid and leave him to me" said Junho as he smiled while closing his eyes once again.

Junho turned around as he said "All of you can leave and inform the Sect Master that he is my disciple from now on"

All the Elders were a bit confused but they left soon as Rudd and Junho both were Core Elders and they wouldn't want to offend someone like that as they had seniority in the hierarchy.

Well, the kid who is the disciple wasn't even allowed to have a say regarding this matter as if he wasn't the one who would be becoming the disciple.

"You are Raon, right? Tell me whatever you need to break into the next realm in the coming 50 years" said Junho as he left the area and entered his abode bringing Raon along to the entrance only.

"What are you doing outside? Come inside, this is your master's residence" a voice echoed as Raon stood there in a daze unable to understand the quick events occurring to him.

He went inside thinking about what to do as becoming an Elder's disciple was a big deal but becoming a Core Elder's disciple? Just what are the odds...

Raon entered the vastly empty residence except for a few trees, a calm pond with a few marine beasts, and a wooden hut in the middle where Junho was sitting on its veranda.

"Come, drink this. This is a tea I got from the Misty Mountains. It is especially good at clearing your mind" said Junho as he offered a cup to Raon while drinking from the other.

Raon, compelled by the strength of the man in front of him, felt it to be too petty to be killed by poison by someone so strong, so he ended up taking it.

The first sip made him feel a taste that he had never felt in his life as his dazed mind became crystal clear to the point that he sorted his thoughts while slowly drinking the whole cup of tea.

"Drink it. You'll need it for this conversation" said Junho as he poured Raon another cup of the unknown tea as the two sipped it in silence.

"Speak" said Junho, taking in the calm and serene scenery even with his eyes closed.

"I don't want to be your disciple" said Raon blatantly as he knew he wasn't a match at all, so being honest was the best option he could think of.

"That I know. But I have my reasons as well" replied Junho, unbothered by the blunt refusal, not taking it as an insult at all.

"What...?" let out Raon unconsciously.

"Kid, I highly doubt you want to listen to my life's story and even if you want to, I have no interest in sharing it"

"Just know that you are my disciple whether you like it or not and for that I will help you with resources as well as answer your questions"

'I might even make you my legacy disciple if you are worth it' 

Junho spoke all that without hesitation except for the last line that he only thought in his mind.

"So, you are saying that I will get resources as well as your guidance and all I have to do is break through to the next realm in 50 years?" asked Raon, doubtful about the endeavor.

"Not exactly. You will still be my disciple so you'll have to maintain that in the Sect but so do I" explained Junho.

"Hmm. The offer is good but you can't expect me to trust you and tell you everything about me. Nor do I want my freedom restricted" said Raon, laying out his terms to be clear.

"That's a given of course. No cultivator ever would stay in the same place except for when they enter seclusion" said Junho, already expecting something like that.

"Then, I agree" Raon agreed as he kowtowed to Junho meaning he accepted him as his master.

"Good. Remember you are my direct disciple from today onwards and not a random disciple" said Junho as he was smiling throughout the conversation.

"Now, do you need anything?" Asked Junho.

"Well, maybe rank-3 stones for cultivation?" said Raon as if asking for chump change.

"I can give you a 100 for now but you won't get any for the next decade" said Junho, a little surprised at the blunt request.

"Alright. Works for me" said Raon, not expecting to get a positive answer so fast.

The two sat there and chatted for a bit as Raon left with 100 Rank-3 Stones and some cultivation-stabilizing pills for his future breakthrough into the next realm.

At the time Raon went to the Mission Hall and left towards his kingdoms again to achieve his further goals as well as factoring in his weird Master, someone appeared in the courtyard of Junho's residence as she elegantly went next to Junho who was looking at the sky with closed eyes.

His expression turned serious, sensing the presence of the newcomer but it was different from the serious expression others saw of him.

"Is he worth it?" Asked a feminine voice as she sat next to Junho and took the cup from which Raon drank to scan it.

"I don't know" answered Junho which surprised the female quite a bit as she looked back at Junho.

"We can't avoid it, it seems" said the woman after a long pause as she picked up Junho's cup and started drinking tea from it.

"Tea? Give me some alcohol" said the female, disappointed that it was just tea yet she drank the entire cup.

"No alcohol affects you so why drink it? Just drink the tea instead" said Junho as he glared at her with his now open eyes that closed a few seconds later.

"Tsk. Just shut up or I'll tell that brat, that you gave 100 Rank-3 Stones" said the female as she waited for a reaction.

Junho felt bitter as he realized this witch had seen everything and was even blackmailing him.

The female smirked seeing the downcast expression of Junho as she thought 'It is always fun to tease you'

While the two were busy with their antics, the news that Raon was a Core Elder's direct disciple spread across the Sacred Land and even reached all the Titled Empires' Rulers.

It took almost a year for it to reach beyond the Imperial Families as it also reached the Tesra Family but they could not help but be angry at this development.

Raon was the one who had already cut ties with their family and was part of no power so it didn't help them at all but became a thorn in their side.

Rather, if any power could entice him then they would have a strong backer, as many females were tasked to seduce him but they couldn't even find him for the next 5 years.

Raon returned only to meet Junho to get a few more resources as well as stay with him for a month to get his doubts clarified for the first time by someone.

His knowledge and mastery over all aspects of cultivation, battles, and side occupations all reached a terrifyingly high level as it got sublimated after discussing with someone way better than him.

The next 34 years passed by as Raon stayed away from the Daiyu Sacred Land as his one-month stay with Junho had increased to almost a year-long stay.

He returned 40 years later only to break through the next realm that was hidden from everyone as he asked Junho to help hide it for his safety.

His next 10 years were spent hiding in the sect as he consolidated his strength as well as learned from Junho and the female who teased Junho.

Apparently, that woman was his wife and she had been itching to have some fun with Junho as Raon saw Junho getting beaten like no tomorrow.

The worst part was they both suppressed their cultivation to the same as him so he could watch it and then Junho would beat the shit out of Raon to vent his frustration.

He learned that she was named Si-Eun and that she enjoyed bullying Junho as well as teaching. He could see her passion in teaching him as well as beating Junho but when he asked her about her disciples, neither of the two answered as if it was some sort of taboo.

Raon didn't care much though, as he couldn't leave for the next 10 years and was forced to cultivate as well as improve his fighting techniques with the two.

At this point, even he felt a faint feeling towards the two that he suppressed as he didn't want to trust them that easily.