Ch-51:The Unknown Elixir Once Again

Raon was sitting in the seclusion chamber with all the resources laid out in front of him that he would need for the safety of the process.

Surprisingly, unlike his first life, when his blood went frenzied or boiled in the presence of the unknown elixir, it was quite manageably calm despite him having no cultivation base whatsoever.

He had named this unknown elixir 'The Awakening Elixir' since it awakened him in his first life, and the pain was also freakish, remembering which he felt goosebumps.

The three pills he had received from Tykos were the marrow-washing pill, the meridian cleansing pill, and the blood-purifying pill.

All three pills were the peak of Grade 1 pills since that was the limit of what he could take without any cultivation base whatsoever, due to the nature of these specific pills.