Ch-82:Liria Dekrof[2]

"Don't" Liria or Lady Rose ordered everyone in the room, as her thoughts were in a frantic state. 'Shit! I wasn't even able to sense him'

Contrary to what they all thought of the current situation, Liria was racking her brain to think of another solution, but her neck was on the tip of a sharp sword that was already a few centimeters into her skin.

Unknown to all of them, the masked man appeared nonchalant with a deathly aura around him, but inwardly he was sweating buckets while wishing for time to pass faster.

'This bluff should work, right? Everything depends on this gamble' Raon thought, as his entire plans were based on this gamble, and if it didn't work, everything would go awry.

Liria finally calmed her breathing as she signed the contract reluctantly while gritting her teeth as the contract turned into white-yellow particles that entered both of their bodies.