Ch-89:Choosing Rewards[2]

The intricate runes on the gigantic door illuminated with an otherworldly bluish-white hue for a whole minute as various mechanisms made whirring noises.

The door finally opened slowly, allowing one to see the beginning of the Treasury, a prelude to what unknown treasures lay in its depths.

Just a few meters from the entrance lay thousands of gold, silver, and copper coins, alongside other trinkets of jewelry, without any proper care.

The reason for their jaw-dropping and wide expressions, however, was piles of spirit stones from rank-1 to rank-3. While rank-3 spirit stones numbered barely a thousand, it was easily discernible that rank-1 spirit stones had several heaps numbering in the tens of thousands.

This still didn't warrant such expressions from Lia and her guards, who had lived in the resource-rich Tenke Clan, but the disregard of all the spirit stones was due to the expressions of Kral and the accompanying guards.