
After a flash of silver covered Raon and Lia, both of them disappeared from their places, only to appear far away in the medium-sized city near the borders.

Nothing changed for the duo, as they were received respectfully by the members of the Formation Guild's branch and the guards of the city lord.

They didn't linger there, however, and left after gathering some preliminary information from the city's populace, which they noticed was fearful of a beast tide occurring.

The couple had to travel the rest of the distance themselves, which wasn't much for their strength as they exited the city after just a few hours of investigation.

It was already nighttime when they were just over 100 kilometers out of the city, which had taken them nearly two hours to traverse while hiding their tracks and since they were traveling conservatively.

"We should rest for the night" Raon suggested, to which Lia nodded while still looking around in alertness.