Ch-126:Submitting the Last Mission

Raon and Lia didn't have to wait long in the Royal Palace after he told them that they wished to leave for the Arcane Academy.

They were happy to oblige and activate the teleportation formation to the Arcane Academy to send them back since they had been nestled here for two months, forcing the King and the Royal Advisor to do as he ordered.

Despite the opposition from the Royal Council, the Crown Prince, and the public, the orders of Raon were applied since none dared to offend him openly.

Only after he left would they get the chance to implement the changes and slowly coax the public back into supporting the Royal Family.

For this reason alone, they didn't mind activating the super costly teleportation formation despite having to incur the momentary loss, which would be compensated for by the Arcane Academy since it was they who bore the cost of teleportations for all the missions.