Ch-132:Raon's Sword Art

Nothing changed much for Raon after his breakthrough, as he was still supposed to be in seclusion for approximately 3 years.

The first thing that he took notice of after his breakthrough, except for his weird core, was that a part of his sealed memories wafted out to enter the sea of memories inside his brain.

"Phew... I need to stop it..."

Raon took deep breaths as he stopped the memories from assaulting his brain, together with all the previous stocked-up memories that were leaking from the seal.

'Not this'

'Not this one too'

'Just where?'


'Ahh... Shit!'

Raon was currently looking through a sea of memories that would assault his brain if not for the barrier he had erected to prevent it from happening.

'Why did I have to be such an idiot?'

He was also cursing at himself because none of the memories were of that much importance to him except breaking through to the next realm.