Ch-162: You're here

Raon silently followed the Melursus demon beast from behind without any intention of running away or fooling the beast.

'I am not its match.'

He had guessed that the beast was in Stage 5, but he didn't know where in Stage 5, and even that was just a guess. However, the moment the beast spoke, it confirmed his suspicions.

'It has slurry speech, so either it just hasn't conversed much using its mouth.' Raon concluded without putting too much thought into it.

Well, he had to follow a demon beast that could wipe him away with just a single slap, so why would he even bother knowing its exact strength or its habits?

'Studying your target is good and all, but... Only if your target is something reachable; going beyond one realm is already monstrous, but in this case? I'd rather not do anything.'

Raon praised himself inwardly as he started nodding at his thoughts, but that wasn't all of them.