Ch-165: Lord Rio!


"I hope he's not here yet," muttered a man with blue hair and green eyes as he walked through the bustling cityscape with precise and calculated steps.

No one seemed to have noticed him as he moved across the crowd like the blowing wind, as voiceless as a still lake.

His presence so less as he moved on the streets, alleys, and top of buildings, undetected like the numerous stars veiled by the night sky.

The man breathed in a calm and steady manner, as if breathing itself were a chore he needed to regulate and not a necessity for him.

As the man seemed to be mumbling to himself, his body shuddered unconsciously, causing him to halt his movements and gulp nervously as he looked around cautiously to confirm that no one saw him before he continued his journey.

The man moved surreptitiously through the city as he took abrupt turns that might seem random. Yet, the way he carried himself betrayed that he had a set destination in mind.