First Training Session with the Porto Senior Team IV

With his leg swept away from him, Jason had no other option than to be sent tumbling onto the floor while cursing internally, 

'Fucking hell,' he groaned as he rolled onto his back and sat up, doing his best to keep himself from overreacting as he did not appreciate being brought down roughly after getting this far, but he couldn't do more than have a bitter smile on his face when he saw that it was the captain of his team that had sent him flying.


The whistle in Siramana Dembele's mouth went off loudly signifying for the training to come to a pause while the medical staff that were always on standby quickly moved onto the field as the tackle looked a bit too rough and despite the lack of a pained expression on Jason's face as he sat up, they weren't willing to take any chances.

"Don't you think you were a little too rough on the newcomer, eh? Pepe?" Siramana Dembele asked with a wry smile as he arrived before the team captain.