Awakening Repressed Instincts

Jason had been surprised when a group of teenagers had come up to him asking for his autograph, but he had obliged and signed his autograph on their clothes and books.

One of the girls was a bit freaky and had asked him for his phone number and even asked him to sign on weird parts of her body and when Jason had refused, she had asked him to sign on her bra.

At that point, Jason had just put a finger on her lips to shush her while looking at her intently, his sapphire-like eyes almost glowing while he smoothly signed on the corner of her shirt.

It was a tactic he used to use in his past life's reality whenever he needed to shush a female from talking and it always worked, though the version he used on the young female fan was a very watered-down version as the original version usually ended up with him and whichever female he had used it on, waking up in a bed together after an "eventful" night.