Pre-Lockdown Shopping II

"Even I wouldn't know when the world was about to end, so how would you who spends all day chasing skirts know about it?" Jason asked without so much as a glance in Mylo's direction.

If this were a Chinese novel, Mylo would have coughed up blood from the emotional damage, but this was reality so Mylo just almost choked on his own saliva and started coughing hard.

"I don't spend all day chasing after girls," Mylo finally managed to breathe out after calming himself down and taking a sip of water.

"Is that so?" Jason asked with a dubious glance at Mylo before returning his eyes to the road.

"How audacious of you to assume that all I do is chase after women all day," Mylo said in a joking tone.

"How dare I not assume that you chase after women all day,"