Liga NOS is Back V


The referee's whistle blew loudly for the first half to end, and play immediately stopped and the players trudged off the field.

{The curtains have been pulled on the first half of the match and what a first half it was}

{We are already four goals in and we look to be heading for a cricket score at this rate}

{Both teams have shown that they have goals in them, but who would end up on top at the final whistle remains to be seen} The commentator gave a quick description of the match's score while the players of both teams headed off the field and into the stadium.

The Porto players headed to their locker room where they met the manager waiting for them.

After waiting for the players to settle down, Sergio Conceicao began dissecting the match's proceedings so far, commending the players who needed to be commended and commenting on the players whose performances needed work.