Oversleeping V

"You said the name of the company was BetFuse, correct?" Jason asked as he picked up his phone, intending to search for the name of the company on the internet, but then he put his phone back down,

"Never mind, first tell me about the other three companies that want me to do a paid advert," he said, taking his hand off his phone, having changed his mind.

"Oh, okay, well, one is from a juice company, one from a skincare company, and one from a perfume company," Adele replied.

"So, I just make a post on my social media about the products I'm supposed to endorse?" Jason asked as he was new to this paid advertisement thing.

"For the juice company and the lotion company, pretty much, but for the perfume company, things are a bit more complicated," Adele answered, her words suggesting that there was more to the offer of the perfume company.

"What do you mean?" Jason already picked up on her obvious words and he asked out of curiosity.