A Bright Day and A Dark Shadow

**13th August 2020**

*12:31 pm*

Jason stared into the wall of his private ward which had become a prison of sorts for him for the next fourteen days and let out a long defeated sigh while rubbing his forehead in exasperation.

"How did this even happen?" he muttered tiredly, not even having enough energy and enthusiasm to be angry at his current situation.

After losing the most important game he had played in his life so far and even getting injured while at it, he had thought things could not get worse and had already begun thinking about his plans post-recovery.

Unfortunately, the day that started with a bright morning had shown him that it wasn't only on dark shadowy days that misfortune struck.

It had all started earlier in the morning when a nurse had come by to collect a blood sample from him and also to tell him about his schedule with the doctor later in the day.