A Surprise Visit II

Mylo quickly flagged down a cab and got in with Sofia before giving the driver the address of Jason's place.

Nodding affirmatively, the driver quickly began driving while Mylo and Sofia conversed in the back seat.

By coincidence or not, both of them were good conversationalists and they ended up chatting with each other the whole journey to Jason's place.

With how animated their conversation was, the driver was thinking that they were either a couple or really close siblings, not knowing that he was not just off the mark, he was blindly thinking in all the wrong directions.

"It's good to be young," the fifty-somethng looking driver chuckled as he drove, glancing into the mirror at the backseat.

Mylo and Sofia were too enamored in conversation to notice the driver's remark and knowing look.

After a few more minutes of driving, the taxi pulled up in front of Jason's house where Mylo and Sofia got down.