Maybe I Am The Villain I

#25th minute…

The match between Uventus and Opotro had been raging on for a while with both teams sending the ball at their opponent's goal whenever they had the chance, and from faraway, it looked like they were evenly matched so far.

However, one only needed to look at the shots statistics to know who was making more headway in this game.

Oporto had a little bit more possession than the Uventus team, but they didn't have half as many shots, only having managed to take three shots at goal with only one on target.

Uventus on the other hand already had seven shots at goal with three being on target, however they hadn't been able to get past Augustine Marchesin.

In the world of football however, these statistics didn't mean much as anything could happen at anytime.

At the moment, it looked like Uventus was the team that ran out of luck first as the ball ended up smacking against Danilo's hand when Mylo tried to take a shot at the goal.