Cameras, Lights, Action! III

*"Do you like my gift?"* Adele asked immediately Jason picked up the phone.

"... I actually don't know what to feel about this… gift," Jason said after a second of silence.

"It does feel good. I'm not gonna lie, but I don't see why you did this," he laughed a bit.

*"That you feel good about it means it definitely wasn't a waste,"* Adele responded with mirth in her tone.

*"Also, I think it's good to clarify your standing in this situation. If you decide to confirm that Lee Jansen's investigation wasn't wrong, then it would make it clear that you and Oporto are irreconcilable,"*

*"It should help with your transfer deal out of Oporto at the end of the season,"* Adele explained to Jason.

"Hmm, that does make sense," Jason muttered, a hand on his chin in thought.

*"So does that mean you will confirm the investigation?"* Adele asked in response.

"Confirm the investigation how?" Jason wondered aloud, confused.