
Lilly used her winds to fly high up in the sky, gazing at the Fradex City and it's many buildings and streets. She could even see many street vendors trying to sell their products.

She wasn't that high up since the higher she goes, the less she can control the winds. She didn't know the reason why that happened so she always kept herself low.

She had learned this lesson the hard way. When she first learned to fly using the winds, she was so happy and excited that she decided to test the limits.

Of course, that didn't end well. She tried her best to go as higher as she could go even though she was feeling she shouldn't. And the expected happened.

She dropped from that height and forgot to use the winds because of the terror she was feeling. Falling from such a height wasn't something anyone liked, well, unless they have a parashute which she certainly didn't have.