Prehistory: The Sealed Gods

Thousands of years ago there was a divided world: that of humans, an empire on planet Earth that could not be surpassed in terms of natural beauty.

Where animals, plants, people and many other living beings spend their lives in the world and those of the gods, a heavenly realm that has only been heard about in stories or myths.

The gods showed interest in people's lives and decided to live together with them from now on. From there on, to have a common life with the people on earth and the other living beings. Thereafter there was a time when men and gods lived together in peace and without worry.

They lived a normal life together, made friends with the gods and shared beautiful experiences.

The friendship of gods and people was evident all over the world in Japan, Greece, Iceland, simply everywhere.

But until that one fateful day 2,000 years ago, there was a conflict between the gods that resulted in a great war.

The war began when a god named Apollo suddenly attacked a group of people and gods. Since it happened in several places around the world, the conflict grew larger until it became a worldwide war.

A lot of gods and people died and it looked as if the gods were victorious over the people.

Every human being hoped for a god who had the power to help them defeat evil and end the war between the two worlds, but that didn't happen for the time being.

But after 8 months, in this terrible time full of suffering where many people were injured or died by evil gods, a god finally came to help and gave people hope.

Zeus the father of all gods

Zeus, the most powerful of all the gods with long white hair, a crown that couldn't be more noble, a beard that intimidates everyone and a body with muscles made of steel, was looking for the person responsible for this, who was in Olympus where he was at the time waiting for Zeus.

Mount Olympus is an ancient Greek site considered the home of all the gods.

When Zeus knew that the person responsible was in Greece, he searched the whole country for him and he finally looked in Olympus where he found him.


The God who instigated everything.


The god who drove good gods into evil.


The god of the underworld.



Hades, his shape like a warrior, his skin was covered with dried blood of the victims he killed, he also had short black hair and a goatee that makes him look incredibly evil, what am I trying to explain he looks like everyone Fairy tales just dangerous and badass.

When Zeus reached Mount Olympus he saw Hades the god of the underworld and began to confront him.

Zeus asked Hades "Why did you do this Hades, why did you cause the war?"

Hades answered "Why do you support people?"

"What?...because we have a common life here on earth with humans," shouted Zeus.

"Don't you see that?" Hades murmured, "DON'T YOU SEE THAT PEOPLE ARE TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US AND OUR POWERS?" shouted Hades.

"Take advantage?" Zeus looks confused.

"Yeah, they're just taking advantage of us, especially the powers of the gods that can be used to make more money. People only think of themselves and not of others. The fact that you haven't understood that really surprises me and you want to BE THE GOD'S ALL FATHER. THIS IS DISAPPOINTING FOR YOUR RANK." shouted Hades.

Zeus thinks: "I've never looked at it that way before, could it be that Hades is right? Should I confront the people or is Hades just lying to maintain evil? Yes, it has to be, people live in peace with us, the rest is secondary."

Zeus: "I will not allow this, Hades! That you continue to kill innocent people."

Hades laughs.

"Why are you laughing now?"asked Zeus

Hades laughs louder

Zeus screams "HADES!"

Hades smiles "I don't kill anyone, that's what the other gods do."

"WHAT?" THE OTHER GODS?" shouted Zeus.

"Hahahahahaha, yes the other gods, one of them is especially Medusa."

Zeus thinks "No, if Medusa actually kills people, I have to hurry because otherwise there will be too many people who will die! Or Hades, he wouldn't dare do that! In order to realize his plan, he won't do anything by halves...I have to... Kill have to....kill my brother, that's the only option!"

Immediately after the decision, Zeus attacked Hades to put an end to the whole thing.

However, Hades dodged every attack.


After Hades decided to attack Zeus, he went into close combat with Zeus and attacked with his fire fists.

Zeus had to accept some burns and kept a distance where he attacked with his lightning.

The fight came to an end after many fights. It always looked like Zeus would lose to his brother that day, but Zeus had a trump card. Zeus used a spell of universal magic, a power that only very few can do and should only be used in an emergency. And this decision affected all the gods.

"Hades...My brother..."says it in a emotional voice

"Oh, how pitifully close to dying, the Allfather cares about his family." says Hades

Zeus talks emotional "I've always cared about our family, older brother...but your machinations are over now! No more people or other living beings will suffer from this!"


Zeus summons "I ask you, oh universal magic, guide me your strength!"

Hades looks in disbelief "That's not..."

Zeus smiles bright "I loved you, older brother, you were my pride but I don't want to remember this side of you..."

Hades is still in disbelief "Do you want to..."

Zeus announces to Hades "Every god will die now, but in 2000 years children will be born with their powers and become the new gods in this world."





 "Everything is gone now.....I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU ZEUS!" screams Hades

Zeus summons a spell which letting all Gods die and their Powers get reincarnated in 2000 years "GOD SEALING!"


Zeus lays beside Hades "Hades...tell me..."

Hades looked at him in surprise and exhaustion.

"Did one of my children help you?"

Hades smiles: "Yes, Apollon helped me finish off the people"

Zeus guarantees "Our heirs will make the world a better place, Hades, I guarantee you that." and let a tear flow.

Zeus and Hades crumbled into dust.

After their disintegration, all other gods also crumbled into dust and are therefore lost.

After the disappearance of all the gods, evil disappeared for the time being and the world seemed redeemed for the time being, but one could never imagine that one day things could look worse than they already did without him.

2000 years later...

2000 years have passed since the age of the gods and so far no young people have been born into the world with god-like powers that have become publicly known.

I am Kenta Hakari, 17 years old and one of those young people with god-like powers.

continued in the next chapter...