Progress With Alchemy

We arrived in Hamamatsu today. Jin, Shiori and Suzume are all in the house we are currently renting. I decided to go out in the evening. As I was walking down the street I discovered Hamamatsu Beach, where a god power user was training.

"My Name is Kyouya Fumika. And first of all i look young but i am 38" says the god power user.

She looks like 24 if i have to be honest.....

"Please train me and my powers!" asked Kenta to Kyouya.

"You have Hephaestus powers, did you think right?" asked Kyouya.

"Yes i have" answered Kenta.

"Lets meet at the Suwa shrine. At 5 am. I think a bit what i can teach you." says Kyouya.

"Okay, Thank you!" says Kenta.

He waved to Kyouya as he made his way back. However, as he left the beach he saw Shiori who seemed to be following and watching him.

"What are you doing here Shiori?"

Shiori stays silent for a second and answered "I was worried about you, you were completely unemotional when you left. Is it possible that you're still dealing with the school thing?"

"It's self-explanatory that I'm racking my brains about it, the fate of the world is in my hands and I couldn't protect the school." answered Kenta while heading to the house back infront of Shiori.

"But you don't have to blame yourself for it, Mordred would have killed you and then destroyed the world. Sacrificing the school was right to save the world Kenta." Shiori said as she took his arm to make him stop.

"I have to get stronger, much stronger in this form I can't help anyone except at most stop a few petty criminals" Kenta said as his arm started shaking.

When Shiori noticed, she hugged him tightly. "It's okay, Jin, Suzume and I are by your side, we're getting stronger too. That's why we are friends, we help you because the burden you carry is too heavy." Kenta hugs her back.

"Okay, if you're with me I can do it."

Later they arrived back at the house together and saw Jin and Suzume arguing.

"No, you cook," Suzume shouts.

"No, you cook, I can't do it at all!" as they see Kenta and Shiori coming back in they ran to them grinning.

"Shiooooriiii?" shouts Suzume and Jin.

"Forget it." answered Shiori.



"Yayy!" Everyone is cheering that Kenta is willing to cook.

"I thought I would be the first to be asked because I can't burn myself but well what do you want to eat?"




"This is possible, okay Jin you go to the groceries with one of the girls." Kenta says.

"But we dont want to go with him."

Kenta sighs and rubs his forehead with his hand. "Then there is nothing to eat"

Suzume completely proud "Okay then I'll go as opposed to the scaredy-cat blondie here"

"Who are you calling a scaredy-cat?" Shiori angry.. "I'll go shopping with Jin and you stay here with Kenta so he doesn't do anything stupid."


Our group had a nice evening, Kenta made pizza for everyone when Jin and Shiori came back from the supermarket. When they were finished eating everyone went to their rooms and enjoyed their first night in the house.

Meanwhile, Mordred is in his Underworld where he kept an eye on the group from time to time and his hatred of Kenta grew and grew.

"Bastard, I will make sure his life goes through hell. Literally. Seda! When do you go to find him?" asked Mordred.

"I'll track him down in the next few days. There will be a bloodbath there don't worry boss." answered Seda.

"Okay, Good" says Mordred while having a eye on the sleeping Kenta.

It's 5 a.m. and Kenta has just arrived at Suwa Shrine where he meets Kyouya for training. However, she is late...1 hour late. "5am ​​huh?" asked Kenta pissed.

"I know, but I have very good methods for using your powers sensibly." answers Kyouya.

"Okay, I forgive you this time."

They went to a clearing in the forest nearby.

"Okay your powers are those of Hephaestus the god of alchemy right?" asked Kyouya.

"Yes." "What can you do with alchemy?" "I don't know it." answered Kenta "You can create things, weapons and more. Lets try create a dagger." says Kyouya.

"So how do I create a dagger with Alchemy?" Kenta asks.

"Just try to gather your power in your hands and imagine using the magic to create a dagger." answers Kyouya.

"Okay, I try it."

Kenta often tried to make a dagger using alchemy but he couldn't make it, he didn't make it that day so he came back every day to train it together with Kyouya. From day to day, Jin and the others wondered why he was never there in the morning and came back exhausted in the evening. When they asked him about it, he took it with him on the 5th day in Hamamatsu. He introduced her to Kyouya and the others also received training from her in hand-to-hand combat.

"I still can't do it Kyouya." says Kenta.

"Okay, let's try something different. Create a weapon for Shiori, use your imagination and just create." When Kyouya suggested it, Kenta nodded and tried it straight away.

He created a whip for Shiori, in his mind, making a whip for Shiori was the right decision because it would fit her god power which is what Aphrodite mentioned earlier. After he created the whip everyone looked at Kenta in amazement. He managed to create a weapon for Shiori out of pure conscience. It is not possible for him to create a weapon that was given to him, he only oriented himself on the divine power and the personality of the person.

"You have it!" Shiori said happily. "But why a whip?" she asked.

"Well, I used your personality and your god power as a template."replied Kenta.

"Are you saying it's because I have the power of the Goddess of Love and the personality of someone who likes to use whips?" she asked, slightly angry.

"Yes, I just let my soul and conscience create the weapon." he replies with a smile.

"Maybe it really is the perfect weapon for me." Shiori said slightly embarrassed.

"The whip also has a blade at the tip and spikes along the rope meaning it can be very deadly if you pull it too aggressively or attack someone with it." Kenta explained.

"Oh, I didn't even think about that, can I have that?" asked Shiori.

"It's your weapon so do what you want" Kenta said as he handed her the whip and she then goes to a free tree to test out the whip.

"Can I have a weapon too, Kenta?" Jin asked.

"Me too!" Suzume asked intrusively.

"I can do that, but I think it's hard for me to make weapons for three people in a row, but I can try."

He said as he pools his power again to create a weapon for Jin. He creates a sword and shield for Jin.

"Since you don't have god power, I can't really adapt it to that, so I thought it was right that you can defend yourself, so I think a sword and a shield is appropriate." Kenta explained.

"Whoa, thanks brother. Kyouya teach me sword fighting please!" and Jin ran to Kyouya.

"Now me!" Suzume pushy.

"Yeah yeah, I'll do it"

He pooled his strength again, he's exhausted but he can still make the weapons. For Suzume, he was optimistic since her god power came from Artemis, it would be good to have a bow and arrows. So he made a bow and a quiver with arrows in it.

"Here you go." Kenta said as he handed her the things.

"Thanks Kenta!" she shouts and runs to a corner where there are many trees with hanging apples to shoot them down.

As Kenta prepared to make his own weapon, he put all his mind and strength into making the best possible weapon for him. He put everything into it and the weapon he created was a katana.

"A katana, interesting." Kyouya said as she also blocks all of Jin's attacks with ease.

"To be honest, I would have expected something different. But a katana is also a very good weapon." Kenta said with conviction.

Suddenly a female voice came from the dark of the woods, which made Kenta and his group freeze.

"But your fun stops now, rival, or should I say Hephaestus' successor?"

The unknown woman emerged from the shadows and revealed herself to be Seda, Mordred's confidant.