Kenta vs Kiyotaka

"So how are you going to decide?" says Kiyotaka spitefully. "For or against your friend?"

"Asshole." Shiori said quietly.

"It's a difficult decision, isn't it?" said Kiyotaka even more spitefully.

"You're a real asshole, you know that?" says Shiori in disgust.

"A give and take. That's all it is," says Kiyotaka.

"Shiori!" shouted a voice from the distance.

"What? How can it be that I sent them kilometers away?" said Kiyotaka in amazement.

Kiyotaka thought he had more time, but Kenta and the others probably didn't let it sit for long.

"Jin they're in there!" said Kenta.

"But how do we get in there now?" asks Suzume.

Suddenly, several patches of sand come from the ground and shoot Jin far away.

"Jin!" Kenta shouted. "Suzume! Hide!" 

Kenta crouches slightly and stretches his arms to the ground, then creates explosions to fly up into the box where Kiyotaka and Shiori are.

"There you are." Kenta says with some anger.

He landed right between Kiyotaka and Shiori, holding his katana in his hand.

"How did you get here so quickly?" asks Kiyotaka.

"Just like I came in here. With my explosions. And now I'm going to get your ass," says Kenta.

"Okay then, let's dance Hephaestus' successor." said Kiyotaka, getting into position.

"Alright, Seth follower." Kenta said, also taking up a fighting stance while Shiori moved to safety as the walls fell.

"Okay this fight is going to be fun. You seem to know a lot about the powers of the gods," said Kiyotaka, creating a sword out of sand.

And their battle begins. Kiyotaka attacks Kenta directly head-on, but he parries.

They push each other away and Kiyotaka makes various hand signals and Sand moves to Shiori.

"Shiori! Run!" Kenta shouts.

Shiori doesn't object and starts to run away, but the sand is faster.

The sand forms. Several spikes stick out and pierce Shiori's thighs, hand, arms and stomach.

"Shiori!" Kenta shouts and runs to Shiori.

Kenta catches Shiori before she falls to the ground.

"I'm okay Kenta. Kill that motherfucker. For me." Shiori said in a very weak voice.

"Suzume! Please help Shiori!" Kenta shouted in a desperate voice.

"Got it!" said Suzume and took Shiori in her arms.

"Okay asshole." Kenta stands up again and turns back around.

"Well, are you angry now?" says Kiyotaka provocatively.

"How do you want to die?" Kenta says in a very angry voice, holding his katana tightly.

"This temperament. Yes. I love that! Our fight will go down in the history books! We'll bang our heads together and kill each other! Yes! Let's take on Hephaestus' successor!" says Kiyotaka in a crazy voice.

Kenta attacks without hesitation, striking Kiyotaka several times with his katana, making it difficult for him to parry.

Kiyotaka manages to hit him besides all the parries and manages to knock his left hand off.

"Argh! Bastard!" Kenta talks in pain but continues to attack.

Kiyotaka just laughs. As if he had fallen into his murderous rage. He wants to kill Kenta.

After much toing and froing, Kenta lost a hand and Kiyotaka an arm, which he rebuilt with sand.

"So the fight is a lot of fun, don't you think?" says Kiyotaka with a laugh.

"Shut up." Kenta says and attacks again.

As Kenta ran towards him, he threw lava balls at him which he parried but still exploded, causing his sand arm to disintegrate.

Kenta stabbed him in the middle of his stomach.

"Funny little boy." says Kiyotaka and Kenta's katana breaks.

"Shit." Kenta says, dumbfounded.

Kenta jumped back and tried to recreate a new katana.

Kenta creates a new katana but it is not as good as his previous one.

"As you would expect from a successor to Hephaestus," said Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka looks up at the sky and stretches his arms to the heavens.

"I love ancient Egypt. I want the whole world to be as beautiful as it was back then. And that's why Mordred will help me. If I take you to him, he can use your power and that of the nature god to create a new world, and for me it will definitely be ancient Egypt," said Kiyotaka with complete conviction.

"You're crazy," says Kenta, exhausted.

"Crazy you say? What irony... the crazy is the charm, don't you think? And if you want to be a fighter, you have to be a bit crazy too. Because if you're not a little crazy, you can't kill an evil person!" Kiyotaka says with a spiteful laugh.

"Shut up!" said Kenta.

"Kenta, you are like me. You want to save the world. Me too. Let's work together and we'll create our image of a perfect world together with Mordred!" said Kiyotaka.

"I said shut up! I will not support your image of a perfect world! I will not create a world with you where only you will be happy! That's what my master would have wanted least of all..." Kenta said, remembering Kyouya.

Kenta holds his katana tightly and remembers his master's words.

"Kenta, you can't always win. But if you want to win, you can win," Kyouya said in his memory.

"Don't worry Kyouya. I will win!" Kenta said with conviction and concentrated on Kiyotaka again.

"Don't worry, Kenta, the fight will be over soon," said Kiyotaka.

Kiyotaka stretched his arms outwards and slammed them on the ground.

"Pyramid setting!" shouted Kiyotaka and a room was created.

The room is like a world within the world. Kiyotaka has created a world in an area of our world.

"Now you will die Kenta" said Kiyotaka.