2. The Main Character

It's been two days since I reincarnated as a feeble kid.

Always being scolded by Claude's parents and compared with my two older brothers, and I failed to surpass them numerous times. I am, but a four-year-old boy! What do they expect from me?

Natan—who was currently in Claude's body—was lying down on his bed silently. He still couldn't discern what just happened. His soul had moved into Claude's body all of a sudden, and he would live as this character for the rest of his life; then what next?

"Claude, hi," greeted Michael, one of Claude's siblings, as he entered Claude's room with his twin, carrying a plate of milk biscuits.

"Have you recovered?" Misca asked curiously. Yesterday, he witnessed Claude being beaten by their parents.

Natan's body responded with fear. He couldn't comprehend all of this; his body's reaction was indeed from Claude's subconscious fear of being beaten.

"Claude?" Misca asked, puzzled.

"Stay away!" Natan's heart felt restless and fearful, his mind chaotic, shattered, mad, stressed, wanting to die.

Misca and Michael widened their eyes. They felt even more guilty. They believed this was their fault.

"Forgive Mom and Dad, okay? They didn't mean to hit you until you fainted like yesterday," Michael apologized with remorse.

"I'm sure Dad will eventually accept your shortcomings," Misca added.

"But isn't your power amazing? You can become a doctor," Michael tried to comfort, pulling out a small knife and making a cut on his hand to show Claude. "Look at this." Michael drew Natan's hand to touch his wounded hand, asking Natan to unleash his power, and soon, the cut disappeared.

In this way, Michael demonstrated that his sibling was extraordinary.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Michael asked, glancing at his twin, who nodded.

'If this follows the story I created, then before I moved into Claude's body, there was a dark incident in this family. In an event where the kingdom's children gained their powers, both of Claude's siblings became mages, water element wielders, while I could only provide healing. I am a supporter. That's why Mom and Dad are angry because, in the future, I won't be able to advance in the government.' Natan recalled the plot.


Duke Rosel called his two children to come out of Claude's room. Misca and Michael rushed out hastily, afraid of being punished for staying too long in their despised brother's room.


"At least if you can't be born as a mage, become a swordsman so you can be a Knight in the kingdom!"

As the twins descended, they overheard their parents arguing about Claude. They wanted Claude to be strong; their father wanted him to become a swordsman, while their mother preferred Claude to stay at home without bringing shame to the family.

"After the party, I'll teach him how to handle a sword," said Arthur, Claude's father.

"But his body-" protested his wife Amber, not accepting it.

"I don't care," interrupted Arthur.

"He can become a doctor in the grand palace later, he can heal," added Misca and Michael.

"Do you think only Claude is like that? Many! He'll struggle even more. He can't compete," angrily said their mother, not wanting Claude to grow.

"In this environment, maybe Claude is one in a thousand with such low healing powers," he added.


As a despised child, Natan regretted creating Claude's character, wishing he could live again and return to the real world to change his fate, making Claude much stronger.

Natan, as the author, regretted creating a character like Claude, who often suffered.

Lost in thought, suddenly, his mother came, pulling Claude's hair. Natan was shocked, not understanding why he was targeted when he wasn't causing any trouble.

Natan resisted, kicking Amber's stomach. Angry, he threw little Claude against the glass cabinet, shattering it. Natan was shocked; his body was injured, and he tried to heal himself with his power but couldn't.

However, his mother was also injured by the glass shards. Since Natan was in Claude's body, he couldn't control Claude's reflexes. Claude stumbled toward his mother, healing her wounds. According to the plot, Claude was a good child, but...

"MOVE, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" His mother didn't like Claude despite his intention to heal; Claude was still beaten.

"Haven't you showered yet? Haven't received punishment, huh?!" Suddenly, Claude's mother spoke like that, lifting little Claude with both hands.

"Let me bathe him," Amber told the servant present, instructing them to clean the glass instead of bathing Claude.

Outside the bathroom, even in the living room, servants, guards, his siblings, and his father heard Claude's screams of pain. They winced as if feeling Claude's body being wet and soaped in the area of his wounds.


"I said, it's hurt, you god damned mother!"

Michael was shocked to hear Claude speak harshly.

"You're already talking, and you're rude. I'll make you mute again," Amber yelled, not pleased.

From outside the bathroom, everyone saw smoke coming out. It seemed like Amber was using her power; he was the owner of the fire element. He choked Claude's throat, causing burn wounds so hot that they penetrated his throat.

"Aaaa!" Natan screamed in pain.


Since there was a royal family party in the evening, the Crown Prince's birthday party, which invited all the Duke's children, Amber had to take her three children to the party. The House of Rosel was a family close to the King; if her children didn't attend, it would raise significant questions.

At the party, Claude's parents placed him on a chair, prohibiting him from moving to avoid suspicion of violence. Claude's legs were still limping. His neck was covered with a scarf to hide the burn wounds.

"He's not feeling well," Amber explained when people asked why the child was silent.

Natan resigned himself to being Claude.

'In the plot I created, if I'm not mistaken, this is where I first met Xavier and Kane, the third Prince and Crown Prince.'

"Hey, who's this? The mute from the ghost cave?" three small children suddenly approached Claude.

"So funny, he's tiny but mute," another child said. The three children surrounded Claude just to mock him.

"Hahaha, mute; I can't believe he's Duke Rosel's child," a red-haired boy said.

According to the book that he wrote, Natan was sure the boy was Amber's relative. A character that he had written to torture Claude. His name was Aaron.