9. Two Feelings

"I'd rather leave than listen to your nonsense!" Angry, Kane used his teleportation magic, leaving Claude alone on the boat.

"Kane! Where are you going? Why did you take the oar too? Kane!" Claude panicked, calling out to the disappearing Prince.



"Kane!" Nearly half an hour passed, and Claude grew restless, feeling hot. Unable to swim, he hesitated to seek help.

An hour later, palace staff approached the lake. There was a special tea-drinking bench in the garden, a place Claude remembered Xavier frequented every morning.

And indeed, Xavier arrived with his private guard, carrying lotus flower seeds.

"I need to hide," Claude muttered anxiously. He didn't want to meet Xavier. He sought ways to avoid being seen, even though he dressed as a girl, Xavier might still recognize his blue eyes and blonde hair.

Claude's anxiety led to fatal mistakes. As he shifted on the boat, it suddenly capsized.

The capsizing boat created a splash, catching Xavier's attention.

"What sound is that?" Xavier asked, concerned, rushing to the lake.

'Is someone there?'

"There's someone drowning," Xavier said worriedly. Without hesitation, he leaped into the two-meter-deep lake.

"Don't jump! It's deep!" his guard warned too late.

In the water, Claude struggled. Unable to swim, he could only hold his breath for 30 seconds. Claude's hands waved desperately, trying to reach the surface. But he couldn't hold his breath any longer.

As he resigned to his absurd death, someone pulled his waist.

"Uhuk." Claude gasped for air, feeling more dizzy.

"Don't swallow the water," Xavier advised, bringing Claude to the shore.

Claude couldn't swim, and in desperation, Xavier performed CPR. He breathed life back into Claude, who finally coughed up the water.

"Uhuk, uhuk." Claude coughed, trembling. He hugged Xavier, lips quivering.

Xavier, realizing Claude's state, hugged him back before Claude fainted again.

"So, it's you? The cake destroyer..."

"Your Highness, let me carry him," the guard suggested.

"Your Highness..."

Xavier shook his head, lifting Claude's unconscious body.


Two days later, Claude regained consciousness. He felt his ear and realized that his hearing device was now only one, and it seemed to be a new model. "Did they replace it because mine got damaged when I drowned?" mumbled Claude.

Claude closed his eyes again, and he heard beautiful piano notes. Honestly, the sound of the piano made Claude feel calm and comfortable.

"Do you like it?" asked Xavier. He was the one playing the piano.

"Play it again..." Claude said.

Xavier nodded, smiling warmly. His fingers pressed the piano keys again, each press producing a different yet harmonious sound. As Xavier skillfully played Beethoven's "Fur Elise," Claude found a particular liking for one of the notes.

"Come here," commanded Xavier. He instructed Claude to approach him, sit beside him, and play the piano together.

Claude seemed to forget his initial intention to avoid Xavier. His body moved towards the Crown Prince on its own, and he sat beside him. Though his body was still weak, his fingers seemed eager to play the music, and Claude began pressing the piano keys.

"Do you know another song? Do you know Symphony 5?" Claude asked before starting the song.

"Of course, I know. Is it okay to play this?" Xavier asked hesitantly, as the song had tones that might startle someone who had just drowned, like Claude.

"It's fine," Claude replied.

Claude sat on the right, and Xavier on the left. Claude started first, pressing each key in front of him, while Xavier played the softer parts. Initially awkward, they gradually found a connection, and every musical note emitted never failed to evoke admiration in the Crown Prince.

Xavier's eyes sparkled during the duet with Claude; he felt a difference he couldn't forget. Each note seemed to carry a memory—yes, a bitter memory from exactly ten years ago.

Claude remembered it vividly, and so did Xavier. Those notes seemed to connect with their first meeting, far from being pleasant. Nevertheless, Xavier couldn't harbor a grudge for too long, especially over a cake.

After almost half an hour, Claude stopped playing the piano. He glanced at Xavier, who was starting to sweat, and said, "Hahahah, that was enjoyable. I didn't expect you to be so talented," praising slipped into Claude's words.

Realizing the compliment, Xavier blushed slightly, feeling awkward. "Really, ha-ha-ha." Xavier didn't know how to express himself.

"It's also my first time having a duet partner like this," Xavier said happily. He touched his chest and then pulled Claude into a hug. "It feels delightful," muttered Xavier, unable to find more words. He wanted to continue playing the piano together with Claude.



"Where did you last see him, Prince?"

"At the lake."

"I don't care! I want to drain the entire lake!"


Xavier hid Claude after learning that the tower Claude resided in had caught fire, resulting in the reported death of Claude. However, Claude was aware of the news and yet had no idea who was the culprit.

Xavier hid Claude from his younger brother, Kane, who was frantically searching for his lost doll. Kane's chaotic behavior aimed to find a person named 'Claude,' now with Xavier.

With a clever idea, Xavier aimed to distance Claude from Kane, causing Kane's disruptive behavior and creating a negative image. The plan was to portray Kane as a child lacking manners, dignity, and leadership.


Taking advantage of the free time during the extended academic break, Xavier decided to have a date in the city with Claude. Before leaving, Xavier instructed Claude to wear a cloak like his own and brought along two guards for protection.

At the market, Xavier allowed Claude to buy anything he desired, but Claude chose a wooden boomerang, indifferent to other options.

"Is a boomerang useful?" Xavier asked, curious.

Claude nodded wearily, revealing his boredom with Xavier. Unlike Kane, the Crown Prince was polite but overly formal, making Claude uncomfortable. He felt like he was talking to a walking board.

"Why aren't you excited? Are you bored with our stroll? This His Highness can buy you the brightest diamond in this kingdom or even one box of jewelry if you want to," Xavier boasted after noticing Claude's displeasure.