17. In Constant Pain

He had been waiting for a long time for Claude to switch places with his doll. Claude widened his eyes as he felt his cheek touch Kane's skin and his thigh seemed to touch something very tense, standing up straight.

"Where are you going? Why are you avoiding me?" Kane asked sadly.

"I seem to be in the wrong place, why am I here?" Nathan changed the conversation.

However, Claude was pushed into the bathroom instead. Claude rebelled but unfortunately Kane was strong so Claude couldn't act much.

"Aaaa!" Claude shouted again that he was in the bathroom and Kane was naked without wearing any clothes. Claude felt something hard touch his thigh...

"Aaaa Kane!!" The blonde young man shouted again, he immediately kicked Kane under his stomach to get away from him. Claude's face was so red, he couldn't hold it in. The young man's body backed further towards the bathroom wall, afraid.

"Shameful, shameful you Kane, shameful!" shouted Nathan embarrassed.

Kane grimaced slightly touching his lower stomach, this was the first time he felt excruciating pain, Claude really kicked his weak point.

"Why? We are both men, are you jealous looking at this trunk?" said Kane while stretching his legs, showing his problematic trunk.

"It's pointed!" Nathan screamed, closing his eyes tightly.

Kane grinned, he idly lifted Claude's body and put him in the bathtub then doused the young man's body from head to toe, Claude was all wet, and Claude 's lips trembled with cold. He kept his eyes closed.

"Don't want to see, don't want to!" Claude 's screams became louder and louder.

"Open your eyes Claude~" Kane said lasciviously.



"Ugh mmphh."


Kane's face turned red, he didn't expect Claude to be this sensitive even though he was just bathing him like he was bathing himself.

'Claude...' Kane rubbed Claude 's dirty face using water and soap.

Kane moved to touch Claude 's chest and rubbed it with soap, he had removed all of Claude 's previous clothes, including his trousers.

And Nathan still had his eyes closed. His body shivered as he was bathed in cold water.

Kane immediately took a towel and gave it to Claude. Again, Claude still had his eyes closed, he let Kane wipe his body with a towel, then let him carry his body out of the bathroom and let Claude sit on the bed.

"Open your eyes," said Kane.

Claude opened his eyes, he looked at Kane for a moment then closed his eyes again because Kane was only wearing trousers and gloves.

"You're naked," said Claude quietly.

"My style is like this," Kane answered casually while looking for clothes for Claude in the cupboard.

Kane took a fairly large shirt, he then looked at Claude 's body and immediately tore the shirt and gave it to Claude .

"Wear this."

"Why did you tear it!" said Nathan, not accepting it.

Even though he was frowning, Claude still wore the clothes.

"Crop tops seem to suit you better than oversized clothes," answered Kane, not wanting to bother.

Kane grinned when he saw Claude 's appearance. He still remembered when Claude screamed and now Claude could just take off his towel and stand half-clothed without any shame.

"Not changing places anymore? Don't you want to avoid me?" Kane asked curiously.

"No," muttered Nathan embarrassed. Hopefully, Kane doesn't find out that he ran away from Xavier.

"Kane, I was the one who saved your life, not Lily or anyone else, I was the one who healed you." Nathan will not waste this.

"What does it mean?" Kane pretended not to understand

"So don't be mean to me in the future." Nathan lowered his voice so he couldn't be heard.

Yes, Kane is not a deaf person. The young man squatted in front of Claude and raised his head. He teased Claude many times with naughty words if Claude liked him.

"Stop teasing me!" shouted Claude embarrassed.

"Oh yeah, Xavier-"

"Don't say other people's names around me." Kane's face turned flat.

"Xavier—" Nathan covered his mouth, almost letting out a word.

"Oh my God Claude!" complained Kane annoyed.

"There's no point in using this if, in the end, you don't listen to me." Kane pulled Claude's earpiece.

Claude panicked, swallowing his saliva, the hearing aid was very important, it had never been damaged and was a gift from Xavier at that time. Claude was sure it was expensive because it was never damaged every time it was exposed to water, but now Kane has taken it.

"Give it back," said Claude , trying to take his hearing aid, but Kane hid it in his trousers.

"Give me back Kane!"

"Don't want to, don't want to."



"Don't want to."



Claude pushed Kane's body until he fell to the floor, the young man immediately climbed onto Kane's thigh and opened his trousers.

"Damn Claude's thighs are soft." Kane's face grew redder.

Claude looked for his hearing aid which turned out to be under his underwear. And when Claude wanted to take it, the door opened.

"Kane, I-" Kane's dorm mates gaped at Claude and Kane's very ambiguous position. He thought Kane was on the top side but after seeing this it seems his guess was wrong.

"Teacher! Kane is being wrapped"

"Wait, you misunderstand!" shouted Kane in panic.


Seeing his friend start calling the teacher. Kane then locked the door to his room. He took Claude to hide under the study table with him. Under the table Kane hugged Claude , bringing the young man to his chest.

"Kane, who is there?" asked Claude not understanding, he couldn't hear anything yet.

Claude felt Kane's fast heartbeat, Claude 's face turned red because Claude 's cheeks and Kane's chest were pressed together.

'Why is Kane so kind to me all of the sudden?' Claude raised his head, looking at Kane's face.

"Hide for a moment," said Kane, bringing the blonde young man's body closer to his chest.

"She smells good," thought Claude awkwardly.

Without realizing it, Claude smiled as he smelled the soap on Kane's body. Claude sometimes thinks about why he made Kane into an evil role in the first place. Xavier's rival, knowing this, only made Kane the main role, according to him Kane is now suitable to be a good person.

"Why are you paying attention to me?" Kane asked.