21. Emotional

Claude felt a throbbing sensation in his head.

He continued to cry, tears unwilling to cease flowing slowly down his cheeks, dampening Kane's shoulder. Occasionally, Claude wiped his runny nose on Kane's clothes.

"Don't make me uncomfortable..." Claude lamented softly his fate. If he hadn't died, he would have returned to his world by now, but what else could he do? He might be trapped here forever because he was already dead in the real world.

Kane nodded, stroking the back of Claude 's head. He thought the phrase 'uncomfortable' that Claude uttered meant Claude wanted to go back to the Rosel family residence.

After that, Claude suddenly released his embrace on Kane, wiping his tears away. He said, "I want to steal first."

Kane could only gape in astonishment at the words of the blond creature in front of him.

"Xavion!!" On the other side, the King found Xavion in a different academy from his siblings. Xavion felt comfortable in that academy, but unfortunately, the sudden appearance of the King made Xavion's heart rage, even though he was studying in his classroom, the man suddenly appeared before him.


His father came just to slap him, even though he had done his best, why did his father suddenly make his cheeks flush?

Other students swallowed their spit uncomfortably as the King slapped his son in front of them. Although they tried not to look, Xavion and Liam's presence still resonated.

"I don't care, take Claude as far as possible today and bring Kane back to the academy, I don't care about you, let alone your future, you better take care of Claude because he is your responsibility, that creature escaped with Kane," the King commanded. His words angered Xavion because he referred to Claude as a creature, comparing him to an animal.

Xavion couldn't stand his father's ranting anymore. Unconsciously, his body emitted a dark aura, the shadows of thousands of snakes appearing behind him, though only shadows, the figure managed to frighten the King.

"Xavion!" The King angrily shouted as the poisonous creatures crawled onto his abdomen.

"I'm studying about pets, Claude is not an animal and I hope you shut your mouth and never command me while I'm studying!" Xavion shouted, unable to bear it anymore. His father was strange; he tended to quickly change his attitude whenever his favorite child got close to Claude again.

"Such insolence in your tone? Feeling mighty, huh?" the father replied.

"I said BE QUIET!" Xavion snapped.

The King just stared at him expressionlessly. "Get out of here now and do your duty."

Xavion was just a son of a concubine like Kane, but he didn't get any privileges. His father married his mother because she came from a land of darkness, a land hated by many, and its people secretive, but because the King married Xavion's mother, the land became more open even though its population counted only tens. Xavion's mother was a Necromancer witch who could resurrect the dead.

Like Xavion, his mother could disappear and never show herself when she was outside.

Xavion was a Shadow Master, a wizard with the element of darkness. He never wanted to show himself except when he passed by the orphanage he wanted to visit.

Like now. After quarreling with his father, it turned out that his father made it impossible for Xavion to re-enter the academy until he paid someone to get him out of there quickly, unlike his siblings. Xavion had to leave the academy and would meet Claude again as his father ordered.

He walked alone, revealing his form, Xavion passed through the market even though he hated the market because there were too many people cheating in trading. He tried not to care about that fact because he wanted to give Claude a gift and bring Kane home.

With every step Xavion took, he was watched by people, his shadowy figure always moved uncontrollably on the ground, sometimes changing shapes not resembling Xavion's figure, it made people afraid.

"I heard he's an assassin, you know? He's become a Shadow Master, the element of darkness," people whispered as Xavion passed by.

"Who is he, is he strong?" people who didn't know Xavion asked.

"He's the Prince of Shadows, Xavion," answered others.

"Son, don't get close to him, you'll be killed if you make a mistake," a mother warned her child.

Xavion laughed bitterly. Was he that bad in the eyes of people?


Suddenly, as he was about to leave the market, Xavion heard three people walking on the rooftops, their voices then turned into the sounds of people running and shouting at each other, even the sound of jumping was heard.

"Theft?" Xavion muttered.

"Ouch, damn it, how did we get caught?" Claude complained anxiously. He was carrying nails and other materials he had stolen from a blacksmith.

Claude kept hopping from one house to another. He was afraid of getting caught even though eventually, he slipped and fell due to the rainwater residue.

"The price of nails is only 16 rebels per KG, what's so difficult about paying for it!" the Blacksmith shouted. The middle-aged man carried a big hammer ready to swing it.

"Oh my god, Claude, you got me into stealing damn it!" Kane shouted, trailing far behind.

"Don't leave me, let's teleport!" he shouted again. Kane couldn't teleport far anymore because his father still sealed some of his powers unless Claude performed blood healing again like yesterday.

"Return all the tools you stole!" The Blacksmith immediately grabbed Claude 's hair forcefully after catching up with him.

"No, let go!" Claude protested.

The man swung his hammer, Claude immediately closed his eyes hoping time could pause. But a few seconds later he felt nothing, Claude opened his eyes. He was stunned to see a man with short hair holding the hammer with his hand, his body was large and he carried a big, thick sword on his back, Xavion's shadowy figure turned into three long tails on his back, and those tails wrapped around the Blacksmith's hand.

"Let's settle this peacefully," Xavion said.

"Peaceful?! Did you say PEACEFUL?! No, we should fight!" Kane added from afar. Kane ran slowly, his Mana hadn't increased since yesterday because he didn't rest.

"Just peacefully how?" Xavion said again, ignoring Kane's words.