27. Become Claude

Claude's cell was opened by the guards, after which, Xavion stepped forward, looming over the feeble, bloodied young man.

"Hmph!" Xavion sneered sardonically. "It seems like those dogs treated you well last night."

The young man finally took Claude out to be healed, Xavion didn't have much expression when he saw Claude's hands and body were so cold like a corpse.

Claude got pretty good treatment, he also started to have his room to wait for his death, both of Claude's eyes are now closed by white cloth, maybe it's time he gets his punishment, sentenced to death by hanging.

Before Claude left, he spoke to Xavion one last time.

"I now know and realize that maybe you were forced to do this because of your father's orders, right? You're afraid of being hit and slapped by him again right? I'm sorry that I made you suffer and have to become a character that is not favored by his father." Claude touched his mouth, the words were out of his control.

"Nonsense, don't be a smartass," Xavion said nonchalantly.


Before long, Claude was brought to the city hall where he ought to be executed. The place was bustling with people from every social class, creating a low hum that hung in the air.

"It's too soon for me to die like this!"

Although he couldn't see anything, he was sure the King was watching him, even his father and twin brothers.

There was already a rope dangling in front of Claude. His head was even held by the executioner who put him in the loop.

"Any last word?" Said the executioner before he pulled the lever.

"W-Wait!" Claude exclaimed, silencing the whole crowd.

"My mother is the one who killed the previous King and Queen, she sabotaged the boat that His Majesty's parents boarded." Too late, Claude said those words.

Claude gulped his saliva, his body shuddered, fearing the death that was about to claim his soul. Twice, even.

"I already know," King Liam said.

"Wh-what? How did you know? You were a child back then." Claude stammered.

"I shall ask you back, how did you even know about this? You were not even born yet." Liam asked back with a satisfied grin.

'If he already knew, he should have thanked me for killing him as revenge, maybe he did this just because he wanted to end my life so that I wouldn't disturb his two favorite children.' Claude's guess might not be right but Claude knew the point that Liam didn't like it when Claude got close to the two Princes.

"Father," Claude called out to Arthur. "Don't be sorry."

That was Claude's famous last words to his father and the citizens before the executioner pulled the lever and opened the trap door.

Claude's body was hanging, swaying back and forth as his life slowly ebbed away from within.

His instinct told his body to save himself from this predicament. However, he was too exhausted.

The memories of Arthur torturing his son as a child began to come to mind, he realized that Amber and himself had never loved Claude and even locked him up for fear of the child's strength, but it was too late.

Claude was already lifeless. Everyone cheered as Claude was brought down from above.

Xavion and Claude's twin brothers were disturbed by the death of 'Claude'.


Xavier and Kane arrived at the city hall by using teleportation magic. They opted to run to the place where Claude was executed, the guard said Claude's execution would be on the military execution ground, but unfortunately, it was too late since Xavion had decided to taint Claude's dignity by hanging him in front of the public.

Kane was dumbfounded by Claude's sudden execution, he wasn't even notified by the Royal Parliaments.

Xavier, who was far away from the academy, returned to the palace to meet Claude, but unfortunately, it was all in vain. Even though he had been moved by Kane, it was still too late.

There was a commotion there, the two of them angry and blaming each other, their princely squabble so terrifying that people had to be restrained.

The place became empty, with only Xavion embracing Claude, and only Claude's family left to retrieve their son's body for burial. Arthur took Claude from Xavion, tears streaming down his face, a sadness he had never felt when his son was alive.

"Claude was right, he was always beaten as a child, maybe that's why he harbored such resentment towards his mother," Arthur revealed.

"Why didn't you say so earlier? If you had spoken up sooner, maybe I wouldn't have accused him like that! I accused him because I was angry with him, he killed a teacher for no reason, I thought there was no reason," Xavion rubbed his temples, confused and angry with himself, realizing he was playing the victim to avoid blame.

In reality, it was all because of Xavion.

Hearing Xavion's words, Kane approached him. "Accused him of what?!" Kane shouted, grabbing Xavion by the collar, causing Xavion to release Claude, Xavier quickly took Claude to see his condition, shocked to see Claude's emaciated body. He was also surprised because Claude had been sentenced to hanging, when the last time Xavier knew, Claude was fine with him.

"Answer me!" Kane yelled. The altercation between Kane and Xavion was far from over. Kane hit Xavion again and again, but Xavion did not fight back, knowing he deserved it. There was no point in defending himself because he knew he was wrong.

"Why didn't I know about this?!"

"Why didn't I know?!" Kane repeatedly asked, his emotions boiling over. From Kane's perspective and what Kane knew, Xavion had set him up with Claude, but why was Claude like this? He didn't even know that Claude would be sentenced to death. The forest fire was because of Xavion and Amber, but why wasn't Xavion punished? Amber was the one who started the fire first, so it was understandable that Claude was angry, especially since his house was destroyed.

"Only two weeks, he died so soon, only two weeks...." Kane muttered. He was consumed by vengeance, drawing his two swords.

"I will make sure you get your throne quickly, it's my incompetent father's fault," Kane said to Xavier.

And Xavier understood the meaning behind those words.

"Kane, calm down," Xavier said, fearing for his father's safety.

"This is my fault! Just kill me! It has nothing to do with father!" Xavion screamed.

"Okay." Without hesitation, Kane raised his sword, prepared to strike Xavion's head as payment, then his father's afterward.


From a distance, Xavion's mother hurriedly came, stumbling over her gown. Remember, she was a Necromancer from the dark lands.

Xavion's mother's status as a Necromancer gave Kane a glimmer of hope.

"Kane, the dead do not come back as they were," Xavier reminded Kane of his thoughts.

He knew what was on Kane's mind.