41. Trapped

The fool who walked into the lion's den – those were the words that fit Claude perfectly. It was as if he was surrendering to the enemy.

He satisfied Xavier with his despicable actions. Xavier felt no pity for the victim he violated. He had no mercy for Claude.

Even though Claude's behind was torn, Xavier didn't care. As long as he could gratify himself with Claude's body.

Xavier called his servant, who was startled to see Claude's condition in shambles. His upper abdomen was full of sperm, and his body was covered in bruises.

"Clean his body," Xavier commanded.

"Yes, Your Highness," the servant hesitated.

"If Prince Kane saw this, would he be angry?" the servant murmured to himself inwardly.

Claude suffered broken bones and bleeding, and he also experienced severe shock, causing him to have a high fever. Xavier didn't care about Claude's condition; what mattered to him was that Claude remained close to him.