Chapter 78: Celestial

There are ninety-five Apollos currently ready to pounce on a single enemy.

But despite their numbers, the archbishop remained quiet until he finally broke the ice.

"This is interesting, I can see it is a cloning spell but I strangely can't see the original, wait.... no....."

His eyes lingered on each enemy as if he were scanning them.

"I can see that every singe one of you is the real, and no one is a mere copy or clone..... interesting" he concluded but his calmness made the situation even more intense.

Apollo looks at his opponent, and an underlying sense of dread covers him.

"This is the first time I've felt something like this"

He could only say while bracing himself for a fight.

Mana and ki began to radiate in his body before they emerged out of his skin. A subtle thin coating covers his armored body. His demonized form gave a contrast to his blue mana.