Chapter 124: The Five Pillars

"Damn it"

Apollo can't help but curse he doesn't even know whether Esteban survives or not so all he can do is run.

"I am not liking this"

He ran dodging countless beasts until he could no longer take a step.

"What now!?"

Julius worriedly asked when they found themselves cornered. Now they began to curse the church's big structure all the running couldn't even let them leave the church's gate.

"Now what"

Apollo thought while still thinking about his next moves.

"I can leave I think I can"

He thought as he breathed a huge amount of air to relax his nerves.

"Hold on to me kids, I'll increase my speed"


A smile suddenly emerges on the young man's face happy that the kids no longer disprove of his decision.


The beast roared and Apollo timed his move to dodge it.

"On the left!"

Isaac shouted as he saw another demon beast.

"On it"