chapter 306: Nero's mysterious obsession

The power of the oath is said to become more powerful as time goes by, and as long as a command from the emperor is given, any strong emotion that may cause hindrance to the mission is immediately eliminated. That is why, even with all the emotions the three had for each other, they naturally did not even notice it, and instead, their mind was pinned on their mission.

The battlefield roared, signaling its start, with chaos. Apollo buzzed in action as his body became blurry. Eros and Athena were able to keep up with his phase with their own techniques; their presence was equally frightening as Apollo's. Behind them matching fast like a bullet, fifteen elite academy guards gripped their weapons, their bodies tense as they faced sixteen magical beasts in their human form. Their worry even escalated as they felt more presence was destroying the academy.

"We must finish this quickly"

"Human that is very arrogant"