Book Lovers

Su Yan's face is currently going red.


"Why did you take me here?"

"I don't know either."


She punches him in the face, expressing her shame.


His reaction as he took the punch and fell to the ground.


She now regrets giving him a chance.

However, she could simply turn away and ignore his plea, so why did she give him a chance?

The major reason is that he is Alicia's brother, and secondly, she wanted to become friends with him.

Although there is no label between them, she admits that she feels at ease even without Alicia.

The only problem is that she doesn't know what to say to him because they've only recently met.

Meanwhile, Alex, who rose from the ground, has a serious expression on his face.

She is startled by this and feels nervous for some reason.

However, a second later, she felt perplexed.


Why did he slap himself?

Is he growing crazy?

Is it my fault?

Is my blow powerful enough to shake his brain and transform him into an idiot?

How do I explain this to Alicia?

I do not want to harm our friendship!

Or something along these lines is something she considers.

"I'm sorry for startling you like that. I'm not sure what to talk about with you because I don't know you very well, but first, my name is Alex Hambell. My favorite dish is adobo, and my hobby is reading. Nice to meet you!"

She is at a loss for words at the moment, but common reason tells her that she only needs to be swayed by his flow.

"I am Su Yan. My favorite food is dim sum, and I really enjoy reading too."

"Oh! You also read books!"

At this moment, something click between them.

"Yeah, I mostly like the works of Anthony Davis or Mocha Hansel."

"One is a historian and another one is a romance author."

"Oh! Do you also read their work?"

"For Anthony Davis, yes but for Mocha Hansel, I still don't read that author's work."

"Huh? But how come you know that author?"

"I recently read a book about the biography of famous authors for the past years."

"I see…"

As their conversation progresses, they realize they are in an inappropriate setting.



Alex got another slap from her.

He wondered, 'We were just getting along, so why did I get slapped?'

"Think for yourself."

She started walking.

He thinks for a moment but quickly snapped out of his stupor and caught her up.

HoneyBee's Cafe.


Su Yan is startled to see so many books on the shelf when he walks into the shop.

"Is this the library?"

"Yup, but with the addition of a café shop. This shop is well-known among female clients, so I thought I could take you here."

"Now that you mentioned it, I only saw a few guys around here. So that is the explanation.

They locate a seat and order a cup of coffee for the two of them.

While waiting for their coffee, they decided to browse the shop for something to read together.

They return to their seats around the same time that their order arrives.

"The Eyes of the Luna."

Su Yan read the title of the book.

"We're fortunate that they have a new release book from the work of Change."

"Yeah, Change's writing style is easy to understand that's why she is one of my favorite newcomer author right now."

Alex was about to comply when he suddenly realized something.

"What exactly do you mean by "she"?"

"Don't you know? Change is a lady."

"Huh? No way..."

"Yes way. Don't you believe it?"

"A little bit."

He pauses for a time before asking, "How do you know she's a woman when no one knows her gender?"

"Well, she's my big sister."


He was ready to drink his coffee when he suddenly spits out to the left after hearing her response.

Knowing the author isn't the reason he spits, but the fact that she's her older sister.

"I thought you were an orphan?"

"Yes, that's why I have more than 10 siblings without any blood relation."

He recognizes his mistake.

Because you do not have a family, everyone in an orphanage will consider you to be their sibling.

He was an orphan in his previous life, therefore why did he forget about this?

Anyway, that doesn't matter right now, so they agreed to read together.

Their shoulders are touching, but they are so caught up in their reading that they forget about their shame.

"Have you finished this page?"

Su Yan said while Alex is holding the book.

"Wait for a moment… okay, next."

Different emotions were communicated to them with each page flip.

Their expressions change with each flip, and when they complete the final flip, they feel a sense of success.

"What a great book!"

"I agree."

Then they discuss the scenarios that occurred in the story.

It took them an hour to complete conversing, but they feel like it's not enough, so they grab another book and return to their seats.

"Avarice: The lady and the gentleman?"

Alex read the book's title, questioning if it is suitable for both of them.

He had heard rumors about this book, that it was not for pure people like Su Yan.

It is about the dark, profound sensation of love from a lady who is unable to distinguish between right and wrong.

As long as it is for her love, she will go to any length in secret to make his lover happy so that he does not abandon her forever.

Despite the strange plot, more individuals are becoming fans of this novel.

'Well, it's a cliche plot in my previous world so…'

Alex thought for a second.

At this point, they will understand why people love and detest this book.

"Mine is muffin and milk tea."

"Just a slice of chocolate cake and brown coffee."

However, before beginning to read, they decided to order some snacks and beverages.

Some claim that eating sweets while reading can improve alertness.

Since he is the one who holds the book earlier, it is her turn now.

However, he felt ill as soon as they began reading.

He doesn't know when he lost consciousness but the last thing he saw was Su Yan's face, which was in a trance as she flipped over the pages of the book.