The City of Fractions

 Abryi had called a small runabout for us. We were currently speeding across the water towards Eh'zanko in what used to be Bavaria. I had chosen a seat towards the back of the rows meant to accommodate a small task force. An Amalya man was operating the vehicle. He looked very much like Abryi, only sterner. Abryi sat in the captain's chair. Hina sat to his left. Campbell and Silas sat directly behind them. Amalyan runabouts were unique in design. The vehicle was ovalish with equally rounded impulse engines located at the rear. The door was mounted to the side, closing flush with the body of the runabout.

 The runabout sped across the water as if it were nothing more than a little pond. I could see the ruins of cities throughout the countryside of Europe. Like the Americas, time and war were not good to it. Walled cities had sprung up in their stead. In the days of the knights, walled cities kept out interlopers, invaders. Today, they kept the automata at bay, at least for a little while.

 I was able to see so much I never knew existed. The entirety of Phaleonterra had been walled off by their Emperor, to prevent ground invasion. Gyalt had overtaken the Dakotas. In Europe, the Iberian Peninsula was divided between Gyalt and Sonenburg-Brandenburg by a giant wall. But, these empires no longer existed.

 There were rumors that the Hegemony of California, Canada, Britain, and Greece still functioned as they had before the Sixth War. But, all else was lost. The Slavic Union, Sether Kingdom, Russia, and the Republic of the Dakotas were all gone. Its people remained. But, city-states governed what was left. It was one such city-state that we were going to.

 Silas quickly gave me a rundown of everything I hadn't known following the Sixth War. He had traveled quite extensively before, during, and after the Sixth War. He was able to see firsthand just how much damage it caused. The only reason, he gave to his freedom was the fact he was British. I didn't understand and he decided it wasn't worth going into.

 As we came upon Eh'zanko, I could see just how immense it was. It encompassed the entirety of Munich and Nuremburg. People were traveling all over the place. Some by carriage, some by craft, and others still by foot.

 As the runabout touched down in the middle of the square that used to be the front garden of Nymphenburg Palace, I could see a wonderous sight before me. The square was lively with the movement of so many people. There was a blind man walking down the street phasing through the other people and whatever else was in his way. Another man was flying through the sky using flames. It seemed like something out of a story. But, after what I had been through, it was a little less shocking.

 All of a sudden, the runabout captain ran out the side door. I could see him run after a young man teleporting from one end of the square and back like he was bored. "Harvey Dent, get back here!"

 "Well, there goes Thoren." Abryi said, "I guess I will be taking you to the palace." He rose from his seat and began to usher everyone out of the runabout.

 Once we left the runabout, I could see more of the oddity of this city. It looked like a haven for, what did Nesbeth call them, Fractions. There were people shifting forms and using all kinds of abilities to do different things from loading containers to mundane things like juggling for crowd entertainment. Others were using their ability to fight others in a ring like some sort of demonstration. I couldn't even imagine displaying my ability to the world so easily.

 "Mara," Campbell said from behind me as we walked toward the palace, "Eh'zanko is a haven for people like us." He paused a moment. "Gaian and his brother made sure that we had a place to go and not be prosecuted. Which is the very reason my father took up residence here." And then, he excused himself. "Pardon, I see someone that I have to speak with." In an instant, he was gone. "Ashitaka!" He ran off waving his arms about, headed to the blind man as though he would be able to see him.

 Silas and Hina rushed to keep up with Abryi. I struggled to keep up with them. After a moment, I finally made it to the door, amid all the chaos outside. The inside of the palace was something I was not ready for. The white with gold inlay all over the walls and ceiling, murals, and candelabra chandeliers were so ornate that I was sure this was some king's home.

 "Nymphenburg Schloss was built for the electors of Bavaria. It became state owned and then a hub for administrative duties. It still serves that way today." Silas remarked. Leave it to him to know the history of just about everything. "The Viceroy of Eh'zanko and his brother make their lodgings here; but, all the administrative offices are here also."

 "Come on, Silas. Don't bore her to death." Abryi said with a laugh. "She came to speak with Kaddyr, not learn the history of this old castle." Then, he proceeded to utter some profanity under his breath.

 Hina just shook her head.

 I walked silently behind everyone, taking all that I could in. The palace was huge. There was so much to take in and no overt signs that said where anything was.

 At the intersection of the halls, a Sung'mallyan awaited us. He bowed low before Abryi. "Your majesty." Then, he turned to me, "Daughter of the Ram, I have been waiting for you. My father's voice has been echoing in my head."

 "Let me guess," I said with a little bit of hesitation, "Talanys?"

 He nodded. "I am Daniy'Rygol, the resident seer of Eh'zanko." He turned and beckoned us to follow him. "I know you are here to see the Wolf, Kaddyr the Silver Tongue. He is already waiting for you. But, I must warn you, be careful of what you ask of him." And then, he opened a door. "Here we are."