Atlanta's Rest

 I looked about the ruins, trying to figure out my next course of action. I think I am going to make a quick stop before I continue trying to figure out what I am supposed to do next. I said to Kaddyr and Lillith before teleporting myself before they could even comment. When the world reposed itself to me, I was once more at the entrance sign of Atlanta's Rest.

 How is it that you have managed to gain control of this power so quickly? Kaddyr asked. No doubt he was perplexed by the fact I had a hard time controlling my own actual abilities, yet could seemingly use others that derived from the soul shards I had acquired.

 While you and Lillith were arguing, I managed to watch memories of yours and glean the feelings needed to possess such control.  I did my best to make myself sound suddenly erudite.

 I glanced over at the sign. Its familiar weathered wood stood for a while despite the harsh weather. Atlanta's Rest wasn't the most prosperous town; but, it was home. DeWalt had once said there had been a town here once a long millennia ago. This town was built from its remnants. Something about the sign bothered me. It looked as it always had. At first, I couldn't pinpoint what made me feel so uneasy. Then, it dawned on me. Someone had crossed out the number six and replaced it with the number five.

 I shook my head and proceeded to walk into town. It was still as dilapidated as I remembered. I had only been gone a little over a week after all. But, something was off.

 What are we doing here? Lillith questioned.

 I'm sure we will know in due time, Lillith.

 As I walked through the town, it seemed oddly vacant. Those that were out seemed very hurried to get wherever they were going. I found it rather strange.

 This is the place you call home, Mara?

 It wasn't like this when we left, Kaddyr.

 I know where I can get answers. I responded very matter-of-factly. I made a beeline to the mayoral office. Perhaps Benny would know something. Something seemed very off about Atlanta's Rest. I just didn't know what.

 The mayoral office looked very dark from the outside, save one light on the second floor. Someone was inside. It was midmorning and Benny wouldn't have shut down the town yet. The curfew was ten at night. I walked up to the front door and realized two police officers were guarding the door. Lester and some other officer I had only seen in passing once or twice. Like the rest of the town, the mayoral building was built from reclaimed materials.

 Once I reached the door, the officers crossed their rifles. Rifles they had been given by the Amali. "State your business, Mara." Lester commanded. It almost sounded like he was trying to sound more superior than he was. He was lucky I didn't laugh in his face.

 "What gives?" I turned to Lester. "What's going on here?"

 "The mayor has ramped up security." Lester was only too proud to give away the information. "There is a tighter curfew in effect. Unless you're going to work, you are not allowed to be outdoors after dark. And, the police have been stationed at every business."

 "Well, I came to see Benny." I said, putting my hand on Lester's rifle. "I would appreciate it if you let me in."

 "No can do, Mara." Lester said. The other officer was very oddly quiet.

 What is going on here? Lillith questioned. Why would they stop you from seeing your friend?

 I almost want to laugh. Do they think this will stop me? I took my hand off the rifle and turned to walk away. I smiled out of the corner of my mouth as I ambled from the building and without any warning to the police at the door, I teleported midstep.

 When the world came to again, I was in Benny's office. A world of yellowy blech that surrounded us was something only he would find fitting as a décor for his office. He was sitting behind his mahogany desk, looking at some paperwork and ignoring me. Or rather, he was doing his best to pretend like he was ignoring me.

  I could hear him think.

 Is this how it is when the Minor Ones hear other's thoughts? It's like he's talking to me.

 Very much so. Came Kaddyr's reply.

 "Benny." I came closer to him.

 "You can't be here." He said suddenly, not looking up at me. 

 "Right. Because this is your office." I responded, half joking. "I know I didn't exactly get an appointment but - "

 "No." He cut me off. "You can't be in this town."  I could see him fidget more as I got closer to him. I could tell he wasn't really looking at the paperwork as much as he was just trying to not look at me.

 "Benny, it's just me." I tried to calm his nerves. "We've known each other for a long time. I'm not going to do anything." I placed my hands on his desk.

 "Oh, I have known what you are for a long time, Mara." Benny took a deep breath and finally looked up. "I've known ever since Pandora. You are special. But, you don't belong here. Wherever you go, destruction follows." A newspaper was sitting before him next to his stack of paperwork. The headline read: Eh'zanko Destroyed Amidst Spacestation Fall.

 I backed away a little.

 "You're one of them, hiding in plain sight. Just like Nesbeth." He sighed. "This town won't be able to survive if you are here. Nesbeth said you were picked to do something very important. Maybe you should focus on that."  "If you manage to finish whatever it is the Minor Ones have in store for you, then perhaps you can come back here." 

 "What do you know of the Minor Ones?" I queried. Benny had never spoken of them before. And, while I knew Silas blatantly served them, I was unsure what Benny really knew.

 "I've known about Nesbeth from the first time I met him. My family, before the war, was avid members of the Hidden Followers of the Faceless Gods. It's also how I knew what you are. A Fraction, as Nesbeth calls it." He paused. "Just go, Mara. If you do now, this place will still be here when all this is over."

 I relented and left. When I was once more outside of Atlanta's Rest, I took a deep breath. Nesbeth.

 Immediately, Mister Nesmith made an appearance before me. "You know, you have to stop calling me like this." He said with a smile. "You could have just come to see me."

 "Benny's been very clear. I am no longer welcome here." I scoffed. "What exactly did you tell him?"

 Nesbeth's face took a very serious tone. "Benny came to me looking for answers. Those who know who we are, always know us when they see us. He's always known about you, he just didn't understand why Silas suddenly left with you that night. I did my best to explain to him what it was you were facing." He took a breath. "Then, Rammel appeared to tell me that you had destroyed half of Eh'zanko in Europe. Benny happened to be there. He's just trying to protect the people that call this place home. I tried to reassure him that I would make sure nothing happened to this place. That didn't go over well with him. He remarked about Haddock. I'm sure you told him about your hometown. You can't blame him, Mara. Blame me instead."

 "Fine." I huffed. "Just know that whatever happens, I am holding you and my father accountable for all this." And then, I was gone.

 Once more I was outside a building in Eh'zanko. At first glance, it looked like any other old building I'd seen while flying over Europe. But, as I took a moment to take in the vastness and style of the building, I realized it was none other than Nuremberg Castle.

 It's a wondrous thing that such old buildings seem to be the ones that last through millennia.

 It's what it's made of, Mara. Stone stands the test of time. Kaddyr quipped. To think Gaian has retreated to his second home as a backup place for the political offices.

 I wouldn't be so nonchalant. Our display might mean that we will not get a warm welcome here. Or, anywhere else for that matter. Lillith chided. I did kind of go overboard.

 I'll say. You nearly killed a whole bunch of innocent people because of a feud you have with me. Kaddyr came back at her. Mara, what are you planning anyway?

 I tried my best to ignore their constant bickering. They really were like a couple of grown children. I'm going to try to see if Silas and Campbell will help me. Silas is knowledgeable at least, even if he has no powers of his own. I walked up to the building. This time there were no guards. The inside was just as impeccably ornate as Nymphenburg Schloss. I was a little relieved. I didn't want to have to waste more stamina than I had to. It wasn't hard to find Silas. I just had to follow the sound of his laughter. He sounded like Nigel Thornberry.

 I came across Silas, Campbell, and a group of other Fractions in a large green and gold room with many sofas. They were lounging around, making jokes about narrowly surviving death.

 I cleared my throat.

 Fear, excitement, shock. All different emotions swept over their faces. I could tell they didn't know how to receive me. Eventually, when I didn't make a move, the tension settled.

 "What brings the destroyer of Eh'zanko here?" Said a Fraction that was more wolf than man. I recognized him as Baen, Campbell's brother, from my father's memories. "You want to finish the job you started?"

 I was a little taken aback by what he said. Not surprised, per se, just shocked that he had the audacity to say allowed what I knew the others were thinking. The fact was, he wasn't wrong. I did indeed cause the destruction of part of the city and I was coming to finish a job; but, both of them were mutually exclusive.

 Are you just going to let them talk to you like that? Kaddyr remarked. I expected that from Lillith, not him. Baen's always been like that. No couth, just aggression and hoping that people would be kind to him.

 "You're right, Baen," I said. "I could finish what I started. That is not what I am here for. However, you and I have some business to discuss. Campbell, Silas. You too."

 "You sound just like my father." I heard him grumble under his breath.

 Silas and Campbell rose from their seats immediately and started walking over to me. There was a drag in their step. I could tell they were worried because they didn't know exactly what to expect. If I had been them, I would have been just as tentative. Baen however, didn't budge.

 I put my hand to my forehead. I flicked my other wrist towards me. Baen's body lifted from the chair and his feet dragged across the floor towards me. "If you won't come on your own accord, I guess I will have to make you come. You have just as much reason to hear what I have to say as your brother."

 Baen protested the entirety of the way to a nearby room.

 Once we were in the room, I shut the door and instructed everyone to take a seat. This room was decorated in blues and silver. The furniture was just as ornate as the other. Large puffy chairs and ottomans. Lamps with hanging tassels. The works. I didn't exactly know how to approach the topic I wanted to discuss with them; but, the information I had, they had the right to know. After a good minute of silence, I finally began. "Campbell, Baen. Kaddyr is dead."

 And, whose fault is that?

 Shut it, Kaddyr. She can't exactly say that you've been absorbed into her. And –

 Quiet, you two. I can't hear myself think.

 "My father isn't dead. There is no way." I'd expected that to come from Campbell, who was oddly silent. But, Baen had vaulted himself to his feet in protest. "There is nothing strong enough to kill him."

 "That's not true." Campbell finally spoke up. "Rammel is strong enough."

 "Rammel didn't kill your father." I corrected. "I did."

 A frabjous laughter emitted in the most comical fashion. Silas really did sound like Nigel Thornberry. "Come on, Mara. You have some unique ability. But, to say you killed a Minor One? Stop joking."

 "Silas, I don't think she's joking." Campbell said. "Look at her face."

 Immediately, Baen rushed me, grabbed my wrists, and pinned me to the wall. All the while, his body grew in size. His fur began to stand on end. His muscles flexed their strength against my wrists. "You think you can come here, tell us you've murdered our father and live?"

 "If I killed your father, Baen. What do you think I could do to you?" I taunted him very calmly. My voice shifted. It became deeper, grave, and more beastial. "Child, if you don't let me go, I will make you." He let go. Not because he chose to. I flexed my hands once more, causing his fingers to pry from my wrists, and pushed him back a few feet.

 "How did you do that?"

 My eyes shifted to the same as a wolf. "Do you want to find out what I am capable of? I am even stronger now than I was then."

 Kaddyr, did I say you could take over my body?

 Someone has to teach this ruffian a lesson. Might as well be his father.

 My form reverted to my normal self. I took a deep breath as I scanned the room. I was here for Silas and Campbell's help. I didn't care if Baen wanted to help or not. I just didn't want to exclude him from knowing what had come of his father.

 I was sure he didn't want to find out if I was bluffing or not. My goal wasn't to cause discord, however. "What happened was me losing control of my power." I continued to speak in a calm disassociated tone. "My father did his best to mitigate the destruction I caused. As well as mop up after me. I didn't come here to fight. I came to ask for help. But, I wanted to tell you about Kaddyr because you both deserve to know."

 Baen back off a little more. The shock was evident on all their faces. Either they were unable to process what I had asked of them or that the person responsible for Kaddyr's death was simply standing before them as if nothing happened.

 I don't know why these boys are so shocked. I am not immortal. Nor, did I ever say that something couldn't happen to me.

 Kaddyr, we are immortal. I think you mean impervious.

 "You said your father cleaned up after you." Baen's tone was one of intrigue. "Who exactly is your father?"


 "You are the daughter of the Ram?" He said, the jolt was definite in his voice. He turned to Silas and Campbell, who were unimpressed. "And, you two knew?" They nodded.

 "You are Rammel's dogsbody and did not know?" Campbell retorted.

 Baen just looked frustrated and stormed back to his seat.  

 "What exactly did you want, Mara?" Campbell asked. I could tell he was still very hesitant.

 "To control myself and gain power." I sighed. "My father was very clear on what it is I am supposed to do. For that goal, I need to learn how not to cause a calamity like what happened in the southern part of Eh'zanko." I paused. "I also realized that despite the amount of latent power I have, it is not enough. Abryi was right. I need to train. Except, time is not on our side."

 "What do you expect of us?" Silas asked.

 Obedience.  Lillith remarked.

 Servitude. Kaddyr added.

 "Your assistance."