
 I came to the gates of a very large wall. Unlike everything else which was made from stone, the gates were made from wood. Its color was that of crimson, like everything else I could see through the little port holes, gave the city its moniker. The Red City. So one note. I took a deep breath. I was about to enter the final resting place of Kaddyr and I had no idea how they would receive me.

 Give them time, they said. Fine. I will try.

 That is the most you can do, Mara. Lillith said. We are not here to force anyone to join forces with us.

 I'm not one to agree with Lillith. Most days. But, she is very right. Kaddyr affirmed. Either we find those we can count on to aid us or somehow gain more power to finish what needs to be done.

 I pushed the gates open. The door I chose was heavy but less than I thought it would be. The bailey still showed signs of the struggle. The walls were cracked. There were bits of stone everywhere. I could even hear the shuffling of people just inside the city gates. This was definitely where Lillith had her fun.

 I can't believe you did this in my body.

 I'm sorry? Lillith didn't really sound sorry. I did it to protect you. Mostly.

 Protect her? From me? Kaddyr exclaimed. In what part of your mind did you think I would harm our only chance at culling the destruction our forefathers would bring if they were allowed to return?

 I could feel Lillith cringe. It felt so unnerving to know my body was inhabited by two other entities. Somehow, my body wasn't my own. I understood what my father said about why he did this. But, I wasn't sure he knew the ramifications of what he did.

 Lillith didn't bother replying to him.

 As I made it closer to the entrance of the walled city, I could hear the shuffling get closer. And then, alarms burst into the air. The screeching noise was so loud it drowned out all the noise in my head.

 "Red alert! Red alert!" Came a gruff voice over the intercom. "Enemy sighted in the main bailey! Lillith returns! Enemy sighted in the main bailey!"

 I stopped halfway and covered my eyes. The din was just so blaringly loud. I took a deep breath.

 Now what?

 I could feel myself be surrounded by hundreds of guards. None of whom would stand a chance against my abilities. I wasn't here for a fight, however.

 Rejection sphere at fifty percent. Iron skin at a hundred percent. Unholy dust at twenty percent. Stamina at forty-two percent.

 Are you really going to attempt to fight here, Mara? Kaddyr questioned.

 No. I just don't trust them not to attack me. However, I won't be able to hold them off for very long. Someone used up most of my stamina. I directed what I said at Lillith, who was oddly quiet.

 "Ready! Aim!" Came the voice of the commander. I could tell he was the commander simply by his manner of dress. He wore a military uniform more gaudy and decorated than that of his counterparts. Their uniforms were black and gold. Yet, the frills and loops set him apart from the others. The guards cocked and lowered their rifles at me in unison. I could feel them training their sights on me, in case I made any movement.

 I slowly brought my hand down to my side and opened my eyes. The bailey was completely filled with guards. The first two rows were on their knees, rifles offset so as not to commit friendly fire. The second two rows were standing, also with their rifles offset. A group of guards were on the stairs and yet another on the walls' walkway. Every one of them had their guns pointed at me.

 I guess this is the best kind of reception I could expect to receive.

 "Lillith, stand down." The commander spoke once more. "If you leave this place, we will not have to resort to any violence."

 "Lillith is not here at the moment." I responded.

 "Commander Dhel, I don't think she intends to leave." An Amalya remarked next to the commander.

 "I have business with Abryi." I responded dryly. "I cannot leave until then. I do not intend to bring any destruction or harm to this city."

 "Whatever you want to call yourself, you have already brought destruction and harm to this city." Then, he turned to the other Amalya. "Let her in, under strict guard. I think she should see the state she has left this empire in."

 "As you wish, Commander Dhel." The Amalya nodded. He motioned for the guards to make a path. "Any sudden movement and we will be forced to take action." He said to me, almost as if he was daring me.