Lan of the Four Winds

 When I finally came to, there was so much light blinding me through the windows I couldn't help but cringe. Everything in the room was white and gold. Everything. I had no idea where I was. I still didn't feel myself yet.

 Stamina reserves at fifty percent and dropping.

 "Mara Windmire of the House of Haddock, daughter of Rammel, I see you have finally awoken." A sweet high voice that sounded like a melody came from just out of my view. When I turned my head, I could see a tall woman who stood over ten feet tall with the palest white skin and six golden eyes with white pupils. Seven fingers ended her four hands. Her ears pointed back, long and far past her blonde hair. She wore a frock of gold and white. "I am Lan of the Four Winds."

 I went to speak, only managing to get out a small grunt before this strange woman stopped me.

 "Harvey brought you here. You are currently far from Terra and on the planet Angelus." She paused a moment. "Your battle has left you exhausted and draining your life force. Harvey brought you here to restore your life force. Consider yourself suffering from mana sickness."

 "Restore it?" It hurt to speak. My throat felt extremely dry and barren, almost as though I had swallowed a cotton ball and a cactus.

 "Yes, it is a unique ability even among the Minor Ones that only the Children of Argos possess." She smiled. "You were out for a month. But, never fear, I can now go much faster since you have awoken. I was worried about the consequences of trying to restore your lifeforce too quickly." Then, she added, "I'm sorry. This will hurt very much."