
 I had heard many stories of the various races throughout the cosmos, mostly from Nesbeth's coffee shop patrons. The Mizokathi were among the most well-known in the tales the travelers told. These people were unique, harnessing the look and ferocity of the big cats on Earth while still maintaining a humanesque form. 

 This particular Mizokath before me was one of the panther types. His fur was darkly colored with even darker spots. He looked extremely grizzled and walked with a gnarled cane, supporting a very obvious limp. One of his eyes was scarred shut. "Welcome Mara," he repeated, "Harvey told me of your arrival." Then, he added, "I was just not aware that you'd be lying in our fields." He guffawed.

 "Well, you seem to know who I am; but, I don't seem to know you, sir." I said with a modest tone. My mind had been oddly quiet. Usually, there was some chatter. Now, nothing.

 "Sorry, where are my manners." He bowed as best as he could. "I am Adrian Galfor, the Head of the Royal House of Mawry, Lord Emperor of Mawryana." He turned his back to me and began to walk back to the altar. "Come. There is no need to discuss what we need to out here."

 I followed him to the altar.

 Before me was a ginormous vestibule in the temple, completely white with reliefs of the deeds of Erwin Antaquar, known as The Founder. The entire room was white. No other color. Several arches led into other rooms, only a red curtain providing any privacy.

 Adrian walked over to a large throne that stood in the center of the room. He, again, attempted to bow before it. Once more he turned to me. "Mara, I am quite sure you have no idea why you are here."

 "I was asked to speak to Rosemawry Borhithe."

 "My young cousin will soon grace us with her appearance. She is the Head Priestess of this temple after all. But, before I call her to us, I want to offer you a choice."

 "A choice?"

 He took a seat on the throne. "Yes, child. A choice. Every living thing has a choice. No matter what expectations are set of them." He smiled. "Choose wisely, do you or do you not want to follow in the steps Rammel had put for you?"

 I ran my hand over my face. "May I have a moment?"

 He nodded.

 I walked back out of the front entrance. Once I stood before the steps, I took a deep breath. Materialize. I called upon the entities that made their residence in my head. Kaddyr. Lillith. I wanted some answers before I made such a choice. I wanted to know if I truly had a choice as Adrian said.

 Mara. I could hear them both call my name as they materialized before me.

 Tell me something. What exactly does my father intend for me to actually do?

 Lillith spoke first. Long ago, we stood together against our forefathers. After that, I attempted to weed the multiverse of the weak. I wanted to breed a culture of strength in case the Great Ones would ever awaken. It was Kaddyr, who tried to remind me that in order for the strong to be strong, the weak must exist for them to protect. I was blind to his words then. It is only now I understand what he means.

 Kaddyr waited patiently for Lillith, which surprised me considering how often they bickered. You became Rammel's alternative. He never meant for you to be thrust into this life. His original goal was to gain enough power by himself to take on the Great Ones himself. When you were born, he called us survivors together and pitched a whole new proposal. One that divided us. You were born with more potential than your father, Mara, and a series of abilities that made it perfect for you to gain power. The idea was for us to support you. But, I have no idea what Yog and Whisper are thinking.

 Power. Probably. Lillith said like it was a curse.

 I took a deep breath. I knew what I needed to do. Once I made my choice there was no going back. It was either I go forward full throttle or not at all. You can't go backward. I've learned that much.

 I walked back over to Adrian.

 "Have you made your choice, child?" He asked.

 I nodded. "I have."