Talanys the Watery

 I was in shock when Harvey suggested that I go see the man who started this all. Talanys. He was the one who had first awakened me to any inkling of the goings-on behind the scenes. So, here I was. Mallya. A planet I had dreaded ever coming to. So many Sung'mallyans had described it as a curiosity of a planet with four sentient races, each with their own civilizations. And, the Sung'mallyans were the better looking of the four. I was worried. But, as I glanced around from the shore of whatever island I was standing on, I could see so many different things in the distance.

 Rygol had opted to stay behind. But, another Sung'mallyan stood beside me. "Hina, what exactly am I looking at here?"

 Not everyone in the chapel had volunteered to go along with me. Some people decided it was in their best interest to find ways to help by gathering Fractions they knew or information they could glean from other sources. Those that did come with me were Abryi, Silas, Campbell, Baen, and Hina. Hina said she would never turn down a reason to venture to her homeworld.

 She pointed to the skies where floating nests and large airships that looked like islands abound. They were mud-colored, looked very cobbled together, and were strung by floating bridges. "Those are the flying cities of the Grui'mallyans, a crane-like people that prefer to stay isolated." She then pointed to the tall buildings that looked like compact forests. The buildings even had the same colors as the trees. Brown and green. "Those are the glens of the Cervi'mallyans, a deer-like people who tend to war with the Lepor'mallyans, a rabbit-like people, who live underground."

 A submarine surfaced near the shore of the island we stood upon. It lowered a dinghy with two sailors. Sung'mallyans each. The metal dinghy was rather large for a rowboat. We all boarded quickly, one after the next.

 One of the sailors turned to Abyri. "Your majesty, it has been a while since your last visit. The Lord Viceroy would like a word with you, he is very concerned about the senate's position on some key things for this planet."

 Abryi nodded. "I have some business to attend to. After that, I will make an audience with the five Viceroys."

 The rowboat made its way back to the submarine. After we made it to the deck of the submarine, the dinghy was stowed to the side of the ship with the top facing the wall of the submarine. It probably acted as a ballast when not in use. We all boarded and quietly made our way down to the seafloor where the Sung'mallyans made their homes. Our goal was Talanys. First and foremost. But, it didn't stop me from taking in the sights before me.

 As we came close to the seafloor, I could see large dome-shaped buildings that were fashioned like snail shells. Each one was lit by the hundreds of lights dotting the outside. A large hangar door marked one side of the buildings. I could see submarines entering and leaving those hangar doors.

 We headed to one of the larger buildings.

 "Your majesty, he rests here. I know not what your business with the Great Cephalopod; however, he tries to refrain from long visits." The sailor who had spoken with Abryi before commented.

 I saw Abryi make a mental note of what the sailor had to say. "Admiral, our business is already known to him. I am sure he will see us."

 We carefully disembarked through a tunnel that led out through the bottom of the submarine, which rested upon tall legs. It was an odd shape, but considering that the room could be filled with seawater, it made using this type of submarine possible. The admiral escorted us to a group of guards that stood through yet another door that looked like an airlock. Twelve guards split themselves around us, six in the front and six in the rear. There were no words said between them. Silence. All the way to a chamber deep within the building that bore a door so large that I only surmised was more than a hundred feet tall.

 "Do not fear Talanys." Hina said to me. "I've met with him once. And, while his nature is quite odd, he will only speak the truth." She rested one of her hands on my shoulder. It felt comforting to know that she didn't distance herself from me after what happened.

 I nodded.

 As we reached closer to the door, almost upon it, a large hiss came from within the walls and the door opened up on its own. Whoever controlled the door knew we were coming. The guards stopped outside of the door, each taking one side of it. They didn't even attempt to walk into the room. We continued however, our destiny lay within. Once we were all inside, the door slammed shut.

 "Kaddyr! Lillith!" A deep rumbling voice that sounded like sand washing over a waterfall resounded throughout the room. The wall moved. It changed shape and squirmed. Then, its color changed from the pale sea blue to the dark purplish hue of a colossal octopus. If Cthulhu were real, he would be this creature. "So long it has been since I have seen you."