Abryi never really liked coming to Mallya. The seat of the viceroys was at the largest city, Sung'Brathban. The same city Talanys made his home. The only reason the other viceroys agreed to the seat's placement was because it was the most technologically advanced city Mallya had to offer.
No sooner had Abryi come to the meeting room where he was to have his conversation with the viceroys, than the guards stationed there refused anyone but him to enter. Abryi accepted. He didn't want any problems.
Beyond the door, was a room with a roundish stone table. Five people sat at the table, leaving a sixth spot open for Abryi. It was almost like he was at a hearing. On the far left, the Viceroy of the Grui, Nui'Matric. On the far right, Bor'Bambin, the Viceroy of the Cervi. Next to Matric was Lep'Dangol, Viceroy of the Lepor. Next to Bambin was Ghath'Raelyv, Viceroy of the Sung and Raejadd's son. In the center, Hina's brother, Uthmallyn'Torvid Se, Lord Viceroy.
Abryi took his seat.
"I'm sure you have an idea as to why we have asked for your audience, your Majesty." Torvid began. "We have concerns about your senate."
"Even I have concerns about my senate, Lord Viceroy." Came Abryi's response. "I'm not sure my Minister Prime is doing the best to convey for the people of the empire."
"We seem to think so. He has forced all of the non-Amali representatives to be barred entry into the Senate hall or to speak against him." Bambin said. "He has even outlawed elections which would most likely remove him from power."
"Perhaps, he vying for your title?" Matric suggested.
"He's in for a rude awakening." Abryi responded. "The Forsaken exist for a reason."
"Some say he has members of the Forsaken in his pocket." Dangol quipped.
"I know which members to put my trust in, Lord Lepor. Besides, I do retain the right to absolve the Senate as it is and restructure it. Even bar certain individuals from holding office. I try not to use that power. Each time it has been met with resistance. However, I may very well have to do something like that. I need time to figure out the best course of action. After which, I will hold an assembly of all the Viceroys of the Empire." Abryi was fuming. No one was to undermine his power. They were not going to depict him as an uncaring emperor. He had worked hard to maintain the image of the House of Rayne. Someone's head was going to roll.