The Divide Between Minor Ones

"How did we even get here?" Yrh'danyr huffed, not bothering to look at Sorem or Sethyr. She slithered back and forth in their throne room. The other two sat upon their thrones, content. This throne had been built after Grammel and Tiamat's death. Yet, there was a throne for each of them, as if there had been a way to revive them. Argos never got a seat, mainly because he insisted on only seeing after one planet. He wanted nothing to do with the rest of the multiverse. "We were supposed to keep order. Except, we fight no better than our forefathers. I thought the Minor Ones were supposed to bring governance not war?" Her hand came to rest upon Rammel's bust. This room bothered her. The color bothered her. The lavishness bothered her. But, mostly it bothered her because it was here. It bothered her the most because of what it stood for. "Yet, we are divided and squabbling like children."

The fact that the Minor Ones were so divided and a group of them made their homes on Terra irked Yrh'danyr. The idea that a Minor One should take over for the Great Ones divided them so deeply that it drew blood. It accomplished nothing.

Suddenly, she could feel an extreme dread echo in the back of her mind. "Do you two feel that?" She spun around to see the horrified look on Sorem and Sethyr's faces.

"A'grappa." They said in unison.

Yrh'danyr tried to pinpoint where the Great One had manifested. She closed her eyes and searched the waves emanating from him, trying to locate him from his power display alone. Planet after planet, satellite after satellite, star systems across the universe. Wherever he was, she would find him. As she searched, she could feel the Children of Argos, the other Fractions around the multiverse, the other Minor Ones. Broken and decaying civilizations. The aftermath of war. The prayers of the impoverished. Everything. No one except perhaps Talanys was better at finding others.

Finally, she could feel A'grappa. But, he wasn't alone. No, others were with him. She focused on the location. The war-worn planet, Scarra. "He's in Yog's old domain." She relayed. "With Rammel and his daughter." She spat.

"What do they think they are doing?" Sorem cussed. "What is Rammel's agenda?"

"We have to intervene." Sethyr suggested. "Before it's too late. I don't know what Rammel is thinking. He invented this plan to, as he put it, deal with the Great Ones. What if his dealing is meant to win them over to destroy what we so worked so hard to protect? Or, to enable them rather than getting rid of them?"

"I don't trust his motives." Yrh'danyr argued. "But, if we don't go now, we may very well lose out on the chance we are given to take down one of the Great Ones. With them out of the picture, we shall rule. Wasn't that what we promised ourselves?"

"Even that path his thinned our numbers, Yrh'danyr." Sorem complained. "But, those that are gone, it is for the best, they were causing disorder." Sorem began to fidget. He hated being last anywhere.

Yrh'danyr began to slither around more. Something had to be done. A'grappa couldn't be left alone. If he had his way, all would be destroyed in the name of fear and decay. His two favorite delicacies. She stopped abruptly. "I'm going. If you two don't follow that's fine. But, I will not allow A'grappa to live."