Even Gods Take Countermeasures

Talanys paced the length of his chambers. When he was stressed, it became a hardwired habit to pace. He'd long since learned to echolocate, thanks to his jealous mother. Not having sight did not help him keep out of his mind, however. It forced him to reflect on each and every nuance of premonition, emotion, and energy circulating in the multiverse. Saving just this area of the multiverse seemed unwise.

"While we Minor Ones can shift through the barrier between the multiverse, the Fractions cannot. Leaving all the security to one child is foolish." Talanys muttered to himself. There was no one else in the room to hear his murmurings. "Perhaps I should contact Kangifgrad, Effishal, or Tadanos." He mused. "If the Great Ones choose to invade one of the other realms, we have no plan."

He paced some more.

"We may have temporarily saved the multiverse from the Great Ones, all those many eons ago, except by dividing the realm into separate parts to make it easier to govern seems to be our own undoing. All we created was division and barriers that would make defending all of space from the Great Ones harder." He cursed to himself. "Perhaps we will be lucky and the Great Ones will only invade the Prime Universe. We did seal them all here after all."

Suddenly, the smell of ozone filled the air. Talanys stopped and turned around abruptly. Before him stood three young men that looked no more than twenty or thirty. Talanys knew otherwise.

"Did someone call my name?" A one-eyed man very similar in look to Talanys smugly spoke first.

"Tadanos, you know very well what Talanys wants." Another man with a very gruff voice and flaming red hair quipped. His tone was apathetic.

The three visitors were dressed very odd compared to the denizens of the Prime Universe. They wore the wraps of the ancient Kalinga people. Their chests were bare. It was very rare to see someone dressed in the same way that they were in the technologically advanced kind of realm the Prime Universe was. Talanys looked them over carefully, using his ability to create images using sound alone.

Tadanos looked a lot like Talanys. His long blonde hair was held up in a ponytail, but still reached the back of his knees. His build was extremely lanky and athletic. He wore a patch over his lost right eye and a green wrap around his waist. His remaining eye was a bright blue color, piercing through everything.

The gruff sounding one was Kangifgrad. He was just as gruff as he sounded. He was built like a bodybuilder with short flaming red hair that came over his left eye. He was constantly brushing it away from his face. Like his hair, his eyes were a crimson red.

The third one, Effishal was a spritely young woman, standing at a head and a half shorter than the other two. Her brown hair was braided into crown around her head. Her hands were resting on her hips. There was a definite scowl on her face.

"Tadanos, Kangifgrad. Show some humility and respect, we are his guests after all." She scolded. Then, she turned to Talanys. "What can we do for you, Talanys? It is quite rare for you to call upon any Minor Ones from the other realms."

Talanys couldn't help wringing his hands together. He was nervous. He was terrified of what may happen. His visions haven't been very comforting lately. He was used to using his visions to guide the Fractions. This however, was something different, more sinister. Not to mention all the energy he had felt. He was very sure of what he felt.

He took a breath, more to relax his nerves than anything else. "We have a problem." He paused. He struggled with finding words to express how to explain what these three would not want to hear. Of the hundreds of Minor Ones, these three, like him were the best clairvoyants among the Minor Ones.

"A'grappa?" Tadanos interrupted.

Talanys nodded. "Exactly. I am very much aware that the Fractions cannot pass through the barriers of the realms. However, we must come up with some sort of plan on how to safeguard all the realms. Rammel has taken great measures here."

"Ismael has made some strides in empowering a small group of Fractions on our end as well." Effishal remarked. Talanys was jealous of the relationship she had with her brother, especially when his own sister rejected him. But, it also made for good chances to walk the right path. "I assume Rammel is doing the same thing here."

Again, Talanys nodded.

Effishal crossed her arms, hiding her chest and making herself look more serious. She still didn't smile. "What about you, Kangifgrad?"

"My efforts will not be spoken about, not here. I am sure we have enough power to counter the Great Ones when the time comes." Kangifgrad was lucky enough to watch over a universe that was full of physically and spiritually strong denizens. He rarely had to do much to govern his realm other than sit and watch as his Fractions came to him for advice and managed everything.

Talanys was more worried about Tadanos. He presided over the weakest of all the realms. None of the Fractions or Minor Ones there had enough power to contest a Great One. Not even one as weak as A'grappa. But, what they did have was the ability to outthink the musclebound fool. Offense only yields so much results.

"I don't know what you think we can do about it." Tadanos defended himself weakly. "If a Great One comes, I will be asking you for help. There isn't much we can do without being wiped out." He looked away, obviously embarrassed to say as much.

"Somehow, I knew this." Talanys responded. "I actually called to get your insight. I am worried that Rammel's efforts are not enough. We may very well need help from the other realms." He began to pace once more.

"You have some plan as to how it would be possible?" Effishal asked. She had always been the most pragmatic of the four of them. "Short of opening a portal of some kind, I don't see how we can provide as much aid as you may need. This is not like when Gilgahlad sealed away the Great Ones before the division. We will have to find a way around our partitions. Something we intended to make permanent. We cannot risk the lives of our champions before they come to battle."

"I might have an idea." Talanys said. "If Rammel's efforts go south, I will be dependent on what kind of aid I can get from all the realms." He paused a little bit, allowing the thought of mutual cooperation once more with the other Minor Ones. "I will not speak of this plan aloud. Come close, it has been quite some time since I have used this technique to relay what I have in mind." The other three came in close to Talanys who shifted halfway into the form he was most accustomed to, one with more limbs than he possessed in his humanoid form. Placing a tentacle upon each of their heads, he released his technique. "Mind's Eye Revolution."