A sinister smile etched its way across Adrian's face. I could almost hear his thoughts. The bloodlust returned to his eyes. "So, this is A'grappa the Sinner." His voice lilted with the mirth of a young child. It's eerie for someone about to attack the object of his interest. "Rumors of his deeds passed down through my forefathers, told of a dragon so fierce that none should ever attempt to take on alone." His smile widened. "Mara, you'll humor me for a few minutes, won't you?"
"Humor you?" I was in shock. Even though I knew that was what he would ask, I didn't think he would have the guts to say it. "You really think you can take him on alone?"
Now, he burst into laughter. "Not exactly. Well, not forever. I just want to test my limits. It's been a while since I felt like this." He didn't wait for me to answer. He rushed off towards A'grappa who was uneasily returning to his feet.
I watched as Adrian took advantage of A'grappa's disorientation to attack in ways that he couldn't easily return, constantly making the Great One fall to his feet. But, as I watched this battle, I could see A'grappa's eyes beginning to track Adrian. It was only a matter of time.
Suddenly, as Adrian withdrew for a large attack, A'grappa took his chance and shot a couple of plasma beams in Adrian's direction. When the beams were close to his head, he dodged out of the way, huffing and puffing.
"How did I…" He began, only trailing off as his gaze made it to his foot wrapped in my ash. "Oh."
"Enough playing around, we didn't come here to test ourselves. A'grappa seeks destruction. Our mission means the very existence of our universe." Rammel argued.
Nesbeth began wrapping A'grappa in vines again.
I followed suit, covering him in a special ash embedded with my barriers. I was not about to let him get away. No matter how much he fought. No matter what he was capable of. I was absolutely sure of one thing. A'grappa had to die.
Stamina at seventy-six percent. Stockpiling mana. Absorbing mana. Stamina Thorn in effect.
I could feel A'grappa struggling beneath the ash. I could feel him pushing out as much mana as he could to break it. If he broke out of it now, it was up to the others to distract him long enough for me to summon the last waves. At the rate he was struggling, I could tell that I couldn't do it in the same way I had before. He wasn't going to keep going easy on me. Unless he was in his true form, I wasn't going to do lasting damage to him. I don't know how I knew that, I just did.
I didn't bother signaling to anyone what I was about to do. I took a deep breath. Come on, Mara. I quickly locked on to all the signatures I could outside of the Dead Space. This is going to drain most of my mana. But, I don't have a choice. Perhaps I will be able to regain enough before he breaks through. I teleported all the mortals, remaining Fractions, and Minor Ones outside.
Sorem, Sethyr, Dianine III, Anacted, Harvey, Rosemawry. The Scarrins, Earthlings, Fratali, Malakians, Tet'mallyans, Gaulans, and Alcorthians. So many different people in one place. All with a singular common goal.
This was the first time I really got a chance to look over the Tet'mallyans. The natives of Mallya II were more monkey than anything else. Their facial features bore the look of the old-world monkeys on my planet. Like the Sung'mallyans, they had six arms. But they were covered in fur and had two long tails for balance. They were much taller than the Sung'mallyans too.
The Gaulans and Alcorthians were a much stockier version of humans. Their ancestors were probably settlers from Earth. Earth did have a lot of colonies in its heyday, back when the Interstellar United Republic and the United Earth Republic were a thing.
Rosemawry and the mortals were immediately hidden behind Rammel's barrier. Rosemawry's abilities were one of support than of combat. The other Fractions readied themselves. We all knew A'grappa was on the verge of breaking through our hold. Nothing we did could bind him long enough.
Stamina at ninety-two percent. Stockpiling mana. Absorbing mana. Stamina Thorn in effect.
We drew our weapons. Abryi lit Hered's Black Blade, Malda. Thoren held Ishtaran, the Golden Scimitar, high. Dhel argued with the Talking Mace, Sharur. Rygol coated Geshgid, the Big Needle, with lightning. I watched as Dianine held Jötunn, allowing his essence to pass through it and frost its blade.
Adrian summoned his walking stick to him. "Come, Thangor." He caught it one handed, without turning to intercept it.
Harvey beckoned Yani, his staff, from the void. Rosemawry stroked her amulet, named Golde, given to her by Harvey. Anacted readied his assassin's dagger called Dirge. Baen spun his chakram, Wolfram. Zoldya charged her tonfa, Brannigan. Even Hagnr was stroking the end of his dagger, Charon.
Campbell was whispering to his brass knuckles, "You'll watch over me, won't you, father?" I had just learned that he named them Kaddyr.
Ashitaka unsheathed Tsuchigumo, his walking cane sword. Grey and Gaian fitted a chain between their hands, a silver one called Fear and a golden one called Despair. I looked around at all these Fractions, wielding these ethereal weapons meant to take on such strong opponents as the Minor Ones. I only hoped that it was enough before the might of A'grappa.
A'grappa had yet to show his true strength. We had only chanced it once, a glimpse of what he could become. Fear welled in me. It was like when I had no idea of all these things that were going on outside of my periphery.
I could feel A'grappa's struggling. The bind we had made would weaken soon. He was pouring a lot of mana into it, trying to overexert its ability to absorb and hold him. It would only be mere seconds now. It was now or never.
I lifted Quetzalli high. "This is our chance to end the destruction caused by A'grappa the Dragon!" I bellowed. "Our chance to bring peace to our edge of the universe."
At that moment, there was a loud explosion. Everything went white. I could feel my body lift of my feet and be thrown backwards. My body reverted back to normal. I reflexively put up a barrier to absorb whatever impact it could. I hit the ground like I had been thrown from a freight train. Everything was spinning. I tried getting to my feet. As I braced myself with my hands, blood drops fell about my fingers. I ruptured an eardrum. My balance was hard to find. When I finally made it to my feet, I surveyed all before me.
Everyone was on the floor, crumpled. The Dead Space Harvey created was gone. I could barely see. Every noise was a cacophony of ringing in my head. Even the Minor Ones were laid out before me. No one was moving.
I alone stood.
I alone and A'grappa. As the dust settled the eldritch monster once more made its appearance. A long crimson ochre scaled lizard with four wings, six limbs, and red amber scales on his belly only interrupted by a large maw full of serrated fangs. His back bore spikes all the way to his tail. His first set of wings were burning once more with black flames trying to eat away at his forelimbs. His second set of wings were made from tentacles of eyes and warped flesh, frantically searching everywhere. His tail, too, had eyes moving about with lustful rage. His claws were so sharp they began to dig into the dirt from his weight alone. The tentacles on his head hung down, made from eyes and flesh, just like his second set of wings. Several dozen more eyes on his forehead continued the frantic pursuit of any moving creature. His two horns on his head, like his body was stout, curved like an s-shaped hook. He was imposing.
And, I alone stood.
"Child of Rammel," A'grappa hissed, his voice sounding like the opera of many souls at once, "I see you have survived the pressure of my will, when all others here have fallen. I have misjudged you." I was unsure; but, it looked as though both of his mouths crept into a smile. "Unfortunately, as you are now, you have no chance in winning against me. If you had managed to protect your friends a little better, maybe." I watched as his spit scored holes into the ground as he spoke. "I wanted your submittance. But, I will take your head instead." He turned towards me.
Stamina at forty percent. All mana absorbing properties are suspended. Miasma detected. Continued ingestion will damage stamina.
"Dragon's Plume." Two spiraling waves of flames made their way toward me from each of his mouths.
I let my body take over. "Rejection Sphere." I encased myself in a thick barrier that was curved so that as the flames hit, it directed them upward.
Stamina at twenty-one percent.