
3000 TC

Resurrection of allies complete.

A'grappa dropped his blade as he stumbled closer to me. His smile grew wider. As he came close to me he rested his hand upon my shoulder. His voice came soft and low, barely a whisper. "I have done my purpose. All that lives must die. All that dies must live. May my mana feed the plan." His body began to dissolve in a red light.

I released my wind blade.

A warm sensation like a waterfall from a hot spring immediately entered my body. I basked in the glow and embraced the feeling. I let it drown me. There was so much warmth. So much mana. Time slowed down as the mana overtook all my senses. I let it wash over me and cleanse me of this battle and all these feelings.

Suddenly, I was surrounded by my allies. They were searching frantically. All the Minor Ones and Fractions. They were really made of some tough stuff to be able to move this soon. I could hear them calling my name, "Mara? Mara?" But, it sounded like I was listening to a symphony underwater. And then, nothing.

When my eyes opened again, I could feel someone else's presence. My body was not my own. A smile moved across my face. Flashes of rage filled my mind. I could feel all the fury. Their willpower battled with mine for dominance. It desperately wanted to take over.

You shall all pay for betraying me. A'grappa. You have created this outcome. We could have overcome the plan together. We could have made all that stockpiled mana ours to use and shaped the multiverse in our image. Yet, you decided to betray me. The lot of you.

Father, came Tiamat's voice, we did not betray you. We were betrayed by you and your kin. You withheld information. You denied us the right for a cause. You created the very instances you asked us to avoid.

Tiamat is right. Yog intervened. We only did what you asked of us. We had to take matters into our own hands to make sure that the path you had given us was followed.

Whisper was surprisingly absent.

Not you my children. You have done as I asked. My brethren are the ones who have betrayed me. All of them. They intended for me to rot and be consumed by their creations. That when the end times came, I would not be in their way. I asked too many questions. I doubted too much of the plan. Then A'grappa suddenly asked. What is this place? 

It's not the afterworld. Whisper finally made his appearance. You have been absorbed. You are now at the mercy of Mara's will. She will use you to bring her version of stability to the Prime Universe. She will hone your gifts as if they were hers. Your essence shall bend to her, whether you like it or not.

Are all my children dead? The shock was evident in A'grappa's voice.

Yes. Whisper was even colder in his response. This is the result we get for following your words. You have doomed us.

Do you really think this is the time to have this conversation? Kaddyr interjected. There is still a cleanup that needs to be done.

How many souls are trapped inside this woman? A'grappa's voice found even more disbelief. What exactly is she?

She is the descendant of Galadyn, the second iteration of Fraction that was specifically born to take you and your brethren on. Lillith answered. She is the one who shall keep to the plan. For the betterment of all.

For the betterment of all. A'grappa scoffed. Esperyn's child would think that. You are very wrong. If you think the plan is for the betterment of the multiverse, you have another thing coming to you. In all my time, sealed away by Gilgahlad, I had the opportunity to think about what it truly was going to accomplish. My memories are obscured from before we all bowed before Marthukas. But, I know there is something he decided without us. He is the first one. His plan is the plan we follow. I severely doubt the betterment part of the plan. Then, he began to laugh to himself. Perhaps I can overpower the Ram's Child's will and replace it with my own. Then, I can have my revenge.

You think I am just going to let you take over my body and do what you want? I argued. Even now, I am fighting your influence over my body. You think because your mana is so plentiful that I cannot absorb it all and control it? You are very mistaken. I will keep you from the world. You and all your brethren.

Such lofty goals, Ram's Child. A'grappa laughed. We shall see just how far you can get. This is not over. If you slip once, I will take over. I will make sure that my will is done. He laughed harder.

The world returned to my senses. I could see myself surrounded by everyone. I still felt groggy like I had been dreaming. Everything was blurry and bogged in my brain.

This is what I get for fighting with myself.

"Where did you go, Mara?" My father questioned. "You suddenly stopped responding and moving. Almost as if you had turned to stone."

"Something like that." I responded. "My mind wanders when I absorb someone. It's a battle of control." I examined myself, starting with my hands. It seems like I had reverted back to my original form. My clothes were in tatters. I was surprised they lasted this long. Then again, I hadn't changed them since I left Atlanta's Rest. How all my body was still covered boggled my brain. My wounds were not serious. I could heal those in minutes. But, I could definitely use some rest. When was the last time I actually got a full night's rest?

Seventy days. Lillith responded. Almost three months since you have been able to return to normal.

"Well, I think I am okay." I affirmed. "How do you all feel?"

Rammel's eyes widened. It was almost like no one ever asked how he was. Ever. Probably not since my mother. "Groggy." Came his response. The others affirmed his assessment.

"I don't know what happened." Abryi interjected. "One minute we were ready to fight A'grappa and the next there was nothingness. Only the sound of singing and white light. Then, we were once more here, lying in the grass looking at the sky."

I didn't want to tell him. I wasn't sure how he was going to take it. Honestly, I didn't even know how it was possible that I survived that onslaught of willpower. For someone's will to take such physical form.

How is it possible to push out your willpower in physical form like that? I don't think any Fraction is even capable of that. Nor did I even know that something like that could ever be possible.

It is the power of subjugation. Kaddyr responded. We Minor Ones are very capable of doing this. It is how we intimidate and force people to do as we say. It is why there are stories of gods commanding such fear, not respect. But, a Great One has more ability than we do in this.

"What happened to A'grappa, Mara?" Nesbeth asked. He had been searching around since I came to. "I don't feel his presence any longer. I only felt it for a moment when we first found you here." He didn't stop glancing around as he talked.

"A'grappa." I muttered to myself. "He's gone." It seemed too convenient that he was no longer. I struggled with the idea of why that last attack succeeded. Had he intended for me to defeat him? I asked myself. He won't tell me. Only time will tell what his actual intentions were. I glanced over myself once more. "Rammel, do you know of a place I can get a new outfit and something good to eat?"

"I know of a place." Yrh'danyr boasted with relish. "The proprietor serves all kinds of races. I am very sure you will find something that suits your tastes." This was a complete turnaround for me. I was not expecting Whisper's daughter to be so ready to help me. Perhaps my father really did have an impact on how they felt about our cause.

"Okay. I shall give this place a chance and see what it can offer." I found myself smiling. It was the first time I could really smile since I left home. "But first, I really could use something to eat. I feel like I could eat a horse."

"I know a place that serves horse." Sorem said without skipping a beat.

"That's a euphemism, Sorem." Nesbeth countered. "It just means she's really hungry." I could see his head shake in disbelief.

I laughed. I laughed so hard that everyone turned to me. Their eyes wide. It only made me laugh even harder. Just the thought of how carefree the air had become made me want to burst into even more frabjous laughter.

"Who else thought she meant she really wanted to eat a horse?" Sorem polled the group.

Now everyone else burst into laughter.

"What?" He just didn't get it.